Lets give a steemit coin away
Did you miss out? Or maybe you couldn't afford one or maybe you know someone that deserves one.
Lets give one away
Contest will run for 7 days, once the post pays out, contest is over
Be apart of history, first Steemit coin will be sought after for years to come.
follow me @raybrockman
Don't forget to Upvote
I don't have one of these. If I'm lucky enough to win it I'd carry it in my wallet with me rather than lock it away and use it as a conversation starter for newcomers to Steemit, stacking and block chain. There's been a lot of discussion on the platform recently about the best way to ease new people into these concepts and having something tangible for then to touch came out as being one of the top ideas.
I agree that there will be many deserving recipients here so to whoever is chosen, congratulations and to all here, good luck!
Thanks for your initiative @raybrockman
Thank you so much @dearjyoce!
What, you dont have one?! Well here is an upvote to get you started. Thanks for the resteem buddy. If you don't win, i may ne able to help you out when the contest is done.😎
Sounds great thank you!
...that oughta' help ;)
Dude congrats, you are in the lead now.👊
Awesome @raybrockman! I'm so fortunate to have so much support in this community.
Catch up with me in steemit chat and I will get all your info and get it on its way.
Love your generosity @raybrockman :) a true community member
Thanks @goldmatters , that Silver Matters card is pretty sweet, I am going to have to check into to that. Thanks buddy.
Yep, me too!!! 'Cause if anybody asks me: "what's in YOUR wallet?" I wanna be able to whip that silver card out!
(And maybe the gold one too ;)
Yes its a great inititiative :) Bravo
you should also tip a steem coin XD
You are so great for continuing to do these things for everyone here, you generosity is truly admirable.
Thanks for the kind words SGB.
Nice of you to do this. I sent out the Steem coins I gave away and it was obvious a lot of people want them, but just don't have the dollars to buy. Way to give back!!
Thanks @spicyer , 1500 coins and over 300,000 members that makes it super rare. Thanks buddy.
Again I give thanks to @spicyer publicly. It did indeed arrive today. :-)
See the post on this page for details. It's a beaut.
I was lucky enough to buy a steem coin, but I would like to give one to my brother. I have been trying to get him interested in steemit for sometime now and he has been extremely nice in helping me with various things throughout the years. So, I would like to give one to him. Thanks
I need one to remind me of my Titanium-embedded spine which Steemit helped funded my operation last June. Steemit's help gave me a second chance at life.
@raybrockman it would be my pleasure to have that Steemit Community Coin for the reason that I don't have one and it's too late for me to get one 'till you give this opportunity. I'm part of @papa-pepper's selfie challenge and he also want to reward one with the most bonus points, though I'm far from winning I still taking my chance 'coz I would love, really loved to have that coin. Why would I want?..
How awesome it is to know that there's only 1500 of that and I could have one? Who will not be proud to show it to my kids in the future and family and friends to say that. And the one who made that design was a Filipina @bearone. I'm one proud Filipino here! That community word in different language is a masterpiece. And whoever gets that wonderful, generous gift of yours is definitely deserving. ❤❤❤
You deserve it dear.
Thank you gaillllllll.. love love! 😊
Welcome ♡
@dearjyoce , you are now in second place by 5 votes. Contest is over in 4 hours. Find you some votes....
@raybrockman I am happy to be part of this, still sad not to win but still happy coz someone will. 12 hours before pay out cannot vote now. I can say I'm d second winner! 😊 Cheers! 🍻
Oh my goodness @dearjyoce ❤❤
I hope you win honey.
Awww so sweet nanay @bearone! ❤❤❤
I wish you win!
@artofsteempunk thank you for the support. ❤
I want to nominate @choogirl simply for the fact she's always helping others out on Steemit. I could list the nice things she's done for minnows but it'd be too long for a comment. She's not a stacker she's a crypto fiend and she usually tells me I'm silly for buying metals but I don't think she's ever held a silver coin in her hands?..Maybe we can sway her once she experiences the magical power of AG? Either way she deserves a tangible momento from Steemit and I know she'd appreciate it. Thx @raybrockman for being a quality individual and always promoting the stacking group and Steemit as a whole. U rock bud! 👊😎
I concur.@choogirl has been consistently supportive for ages.
I totally agree. @choogirl is awesome. I give her my vote
Nice pick buddy, and she's diffently a good one and just what if we good change her to a stacker.
Does it have chocolate on the inside? 😁
Ah,,, I don't know. I don't think so. Hahah
I agree that @choogirl should get one!
i want this coin , first of all i love coins in general and i collect coins from all countries what i visit, secondly i will use it as my card protector while playing poker in casino and traveling . ( here is example of card protector
so i want this coin to be my official card protector for this year and i will promote steemit in gamblers world , because they will see and ask what is this :)
I would do the same.
I love this idea. I hope you get the coin ;)
I like that idea. Here is an upvote to get you started, spread it aroumd cause you have so.e ground to make up. Thanks for dropping by
That is exactly what I was going to comment as a way to win the coin. Use it as a card protector at WSOPC events and local home games. Since you posted first with the idea I hope you win it. This use will give Steemit lots of exposure and for sure help grow the community.
I notice that few Nominees are pretty widely known on the Steemit community and I haven't unfortunately gotten to know them yet. But I applaud them for their positiveness and value here on Steemit. Though I nominate @mihail.tsvetkov. He is a few months old in Steemit. But he is nothing but supportive and encouraging to all that he comes across. He believes in Steemit and its goal. That it will explode and take the world by storm. If he is not on Steemit, reading and posting... he is out there telling friends, family, colleagues, and clients about Steemit. He wouldn't stop until he got me (his wife) to start and get involved in Steemit also. And I know that if he was to receive this silver, nothing can wipe the smile off him. And to all the nominees, good luck. And to @raybrockman, thank you for the opportunity.
Thank you my dear @kanoe that really nice gestures and surprise for me.That mean a lot for me to know you have my back on here.
As much i wanted it, i guess someone deserves better than i do. I nominate @surpassinggoogle for promoting steemit and doing a hell of a job helping the community and newbies in almost all matters specially for running the #untalented contest encouraging more steemians to be more active and productive.
The #untalented family. Thank you much
Yes. i agree. I will nominate @surpassinggoogle; for i have seen his passion to help one another. He always motivate the individual to continue in this new journey steemit. In the beginning it was hard to start but right now i see the process of myself.
gogogogogogogo, @surpassinggoogle!
I totally agree with this i nominate @surpassingooggle he deserves this silver coin for having a heart of gold. #untalented
I thinks iI will follow suit in nominating @surpassinggoogle because of the way he has been helping minnows through his even distribution of upvotes and his #untalented contest.
I think he must have in one way or the other be of help to both newbies and minnows here on steemit planet.
I used collect random things and collectables such as stamps and cards.
And recently started an attempt to get a coin for every single coin I am invested and participating in.
I would love to win this beautiful steem coin. Much love. <3
All my life I have wanted more silver. It began as a child when my grandmother gave me my first silver dollar. I still have that coin.
Since then, my collection has grown, but I missed the chance to order a Steem.coin. I do not have one.
You and I are a lot alike my grandmother used to let me go through her change that she brought home from TIPS as a waitress when I was a KID in the mid 1960's.......I used to love when she would let me have Walking Half Dollars to keep..............
I nominate @doctorjohn just because I can relate to that story, which is pretty damn cool.
Hey brother, did you get your package? Did it ship ok?
Yes sir, I sent you a pm. Sorry for the delay. Been a lil under the weather lately.
Id like to nominate @doctorjohn as one and if we're allowed unliminated nominations @choogirl second.
As much as I would like one @doctorjohn has helped me out tremendously this week in supporting me in @papa-peppers contest and the @ocp post to become an english curator as well as posting daily with daily bits of wisdom, inspiration, and thought provoking posts.
Someone else mentioned @choogirl and agree with all the reasons he gave. She is everywhere here on steemit and steem themed discords and is always willing to help. Even though Id really like one would love to see either one of these two win.
I would like to give the silver coin to @surpassinggoogle because this man is the curator of the philippines he is very hardworking and very inspiring individual. He is succesful to his initiative #untalented contest.... Such a nice contest ever I experience here in steemit. Please vote my comment if you AGREE @surpassinggoogle is deserving to have that.
Hahaha thank you for thinking of me. These things touch
I totally agree with you @jaderpogi Trust me @surpassingooggle is not only an inspiration to the Philippines the nigerian community is so proud of him and he is a total blessing to the steemit community at large.
I would like to nominate @tattoodjay!
Thanks @daveks so kind of you to nominate me, but I was lucky enough to be able to order a couple for myself so feel there are many others who dont have and are deserving to get one
But thanks again
Wow, nice.
@raybrockman Thank You for the Contest. I would Love to Win the coin. If I do WIN though I would Love to give it to my Girl Friend since she says I take away from my time with her when I Blog on Steemit and comment on so many posts.....
Really cool giveaway Ray, your doing good things in this community.
I would like it because silver is a good way to store value and it is unlikely to lose value as time
Goes on!
Yeah i love silver!
I have never collected silver, of any kind. This would be a first for me...
None? Not even a coin?
Not a single solitary coin...not even a real silver quarter or 50 cent piece.
what a nice gesture.. I want to have one myself.. why?? I completely missed this post and don't understand why.. being on steemit hours per day and didn't see this... I can make 100 reasons.. but I just want one.. honest reaction.. The only thing I can say is that I take it on my journey to the US in year 2019 and make some special pictures with it. ( las vegas, grand canyon, alcatraz etc.)
Thx again
I know he missed out on picking one up!😯 and i know as a fellow silver stacker he would be over the moon to get one and cherish it as only we stackers know how!😂👍I'd like to nominate @welshstacker.
I find it hard to nominate anyone, i suspect that most of us that are established on this platform or are even still finding our feet will find a way to own one either through the true generosity of people like @raybrockman and others like him or via the secondary market ,or even our own endeavours, while part of me thinks that these coins should only end up in the hands of people within the steemit community that appreciate its true worth, part of me wonders what would happen if one of these coins left the steemit community and dissapeared into the general world, so i nominate anyone who might be down on their luck, maybe homeless or having a bad day for whatever reason and so i nominate anyone outside the steemit community that could benefit from Rays generosity in a pay it forward kinda way, just a thought \o/
Excellant idea, I to wonder what this coin would do in an out of network situation. Its all about paying it forward. Thanks for your kind words and keeo stacking my friend.
Your so welcome Ray and on a personal note thankyou for the help you give me my friend :)
Hell of an idea @raybrockman! I think I may need to do something similar!!
Thank buddy.
You're welcome my friend! We need to get up one of these days! You aren't too far from me!
Yeah we should, that would be cool. Coin 1 and coin 4 meet up, haha
Absolutely! Now that would be badass!
Send me the dates! I'll bring no.#5
Now how cool would that be #1, #4 and #5 holy shit not sure any city could handle that.
Well done to all the folks who have had a hand in this. ;)Nicely done @raybrockman! What a great opportunity you are sharing and giving to this community. It makes me proud to call myself a Steemian when I keep great company with folks like you.
Ahh.... thanks for the kind words @rebeccaryan , a long time ago, well not that long ago, someone gave me something withiut any strings attached and since then I try to pay it forward any chance I get. You are right proud to call my self a steemian when you have a platform that is as awesome and giving as this one is. Thanks again for the kind words.
I would absolutely be over the moon to receive this coin. A friend of mine had made a post about them a while back. He was going to order some, and was offering for everyone to split shipping. I wanted to order so badly because I collect coins, and the sight of this one made my eyes bulge. Lol! Anyway, I didn’t have the money at the time, and I felt it best for me to just admire from a distance rather than be irresponsible and order. Regret. That’s what I’m full of. Why didn’t I just take the plunge? Worry is our own worst enemy, and it causes us to miss out on some pretty great things. I would be more than honored to win one. In fact, I’m trying with every chance I get. Thank you for this opportunity, @raybrockman!
Great post @raybrockman! You are one of a kind and I'm damn glad to know ya!
I'd like to nominate @edxserverus for making and remaking a gorgeous Botty image as well as designing some pretty awesome digital coinage (that I personally wouldn't mind to see minted one day).
Here's a sample of his work if you missed it:

There are so many great options here, and so many awesome steemians being nominated. I would like to support this one for @edxserverus, he's being do so much for everyone with his awesome designs recently.
Im also voting for @edxserverus he has become a huge part of steemsilvergold and definately deserves a coin!
I cast a vote foe edxserverus too -- he's really stepping up!
I'd like to have a Coin myself. What will I do with the coin? Well, seeing as I'm a YouTuber, I'll make a video, where I show it off, but also let in on all the gamers following me all about Steemit and how they should join. I've not done that yet, so it would be a fun way to introduce the topic.
"See this? This is a special coin. It's a Steemit Coin!" Plus, I can find a nice display for it in my home office and show it off. Bragging rights, you know ;) I'll be a woman with a rare breed of coins, A Steemit Coin lol
This is because I am a long term holder for the coin and if I found out it is really worth, I will try my best to share this to Chinese community!I want to nominate myself, @incrediblesnow.
This is an awesome idea @raybrockman! Thanks for your generosity! While I've been a steady stacker in the past, my layoff from the Air Force made purchases tough/almost impossible for the last 2 years. I can't really think of anything that might distinguish myself from anyone elsenon here other than I wasnt able to pick any up during the initial offering, mych to my own regret. Whoever wins this piece will be quite lucky!
Anyone showing an appreciation of silver's aesthetics and yet capable of great generosity deserves success. Good man Ray.
I would like to have a souvenir of this... LOL
Wow a coin.
A unique one too. Meaningful and it would be something id be proud to have. Use it as a charm. Didnt know those stuff existed.
I love silver.
Congratulations to the winner.
Awesome way to promote steemit , i love steemit so much i invited more than 600 persons to join us in this great community and create a steemit facebook group with more than 1600 actives users.
I would like to have this steemit coin to give to my son. He loves coins and it's a real nice looking piece to start a collection for him.
Great, here is an upvote to get you started, male sure you spread it around, you have some ground to make up.
I'd love to have one, but haven't done anything to deserve one. I would say that @thecryptofiend has done much to support Steemit (and myself in particular) and does deserve one!
Your content by itself makes you deserving of one. Here is an upvote to get you started. Good luck.
Thanks Buddy- I never win anything! By the way, thanks for the decal!
Very welcome sir.
@raybrockman this is very generous of you and i hope steemians will draw inspiration from your deeds.
I just have two points to put forward though:
Again i admired this gesture of yours and i hope the coin goes to the deserving steemian.
Thats why there are 2 winners, not one.
I want it @raybrockman like a flower that needs the rain.
Because I will sell it for my needed medicine.
I wished you would take the piece of silver money if it is with you, as you deserve it with the ability to support and serve everyoneMy girlfriend @rebeccaryan
I wish you more progress
greetings @raybrockman
Thanks here is a vote for @rebeccaryan . Pass it around for more votes
Oh'noes! I missed it?
Where are these made available for sale? I would very much like to buy one.
Congratulations to the lucky winner of this fine round! Raybrockman is being quite generous here.
and if you have a spare I would like one myself :) It is super cool and would like to show it to all my friends that think I am talking nonsense about steemit!!@giantbear - she is not only the one who introduced me to steemit, she is also the one who keeps me sane every day at my job and positive to keep on steeming - she has a heart of gold and cares for the steemit community and people around her.
Funny how friends think steemit is nonsense. @gaintbear is a good pick. Here is a vote to get you started. Make sure you pass it along to help @giantbear. Thanks for dropping by
Well when I sit on the beach sipping a coctail I will send them a pic saying You said what about steemit?? Hahaha. Thanks for the vote
Amazing Give Away.. I am salivating. I haven't been able to pick up any new silver these days.. this would be an incredible addition. In any case good luck to whoever wins. You are very generous to this community. i am surprised it took me so long to find and follow you.
Well thanks for the find and follow. Maybe you might get some silver soon. Here is an upvote to get you started. Pass it around you have some ground to make up on votes. Thanks.
I would love to have the Steem coin to hold it as a trophy 🏆
It is something I wish to keep for me and I will never sell it
Is there any chance I can buy one?
As I don't think I will win it
Great , I love it .
Thanks for sharing
Namste 🙏
What a lovely kind thing to do. Hope the person who recieves it appreciates it and you :)
What a wonderful idea. That coin is beautiful. I see myself on the back of it - that tiny minnow between those whales and dolphins. I really feel like STEEM is going to make a difference to content producers and owning a memento like this coin would be amazing. Good luck to everyone - I hope it goes to the most deserving home!
I would like to give one to my sister, Mariann. She is my youngest sister and suffer from ME. I can not see her for that reason, it simply is too much for her. But I would like her to know that she is with me in spirit every day. What better than a medallion to remind her? I tried two years ago to give her a new mobile, even that was too much.
Simple things is the way to go and I think it would be excellent.