Well this week is winding down and has gone by quick. All in all not a terrible week at all. Crypto's seem to be recovering a little and silver and gold are still on sale.

Looks like the manipulators will win again this week. The FED's announcement or comments did not help at all in fact at on point in time the stock market was up over 700 points in one day. As you can see by the pick above, they are not winning by much anymore. In fact the race is getting closer.
How can you tell the race is getting closer? Well take a look at gold, for the past 30 days it has held on to the $1,200 mark, not once dropping below. Yes silver has not performed as well as gold, but does it ever. Silver is a lot easier to manipulate than gold, with the silver to gold ratio being at 85 to 1, you will soon see a correction.

Now some people say bitcoin is dead, I would have to disagree with that, I think it is still very much alive and being manipulated, so take advantage of the current price. Everyone needs atleast 1 bitcoin.

Do you know what a $1 will buy you now a days? Not much right, wrong, it will buy you 3 steem. Now this is still kinda mind blowing to me, I still look at steem as $4, so if you aren't buying or atleast powering up, you'll probably wish you would have.

So you probably didn't now when you started this race that it would be such a long and heavy endurance race, but hang in there, the wealth transfer is coming.

The Finish line is right around the corner, just keep stacking, you will be fine.
Proud supporter of #steemsilvergold

I am @raybrockman and I am not a financial advisor, please do your own research before investing.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
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Now is the time to make the most of the future.
A great ending line, @reaybrockman... "The Finish line is right around the corner, just keep stacking... " Thanks for this post, my friend.
There have been a lot of changes in the last week. And the prices still seem to be in strange places. I think your advice is good. Although I would say that I don't think the race is almost over... I think it's just about to start. :D