Don't worry! Everything is OK!

Well it is Super Tuesday, will we see the democratic office take over or will the Republicans stay the gate keepers? We should know in about 14 hours.


Am I the only one, this time change screws up? I mean I was up an hour earlier today then I should be. It did however give me some time to do a little research. Wanna know what I found out?


Okay I will tell you, I was reading an article this morning by Stephen Mcbride. First did you know there has only been 18 mid term elections? Yep they started in 1946 and this will make number 19. Here is the twist, did you know that the second year of every presidency since 1946 is the worse year of the 4 year term for stocks? Intresting right, I mean 18 for 18 is a pretty good gauge to go off of.


Now for year number 3 of a presidency since 1946, has been the best years for the stock markets. Thats right the year right after Mid Term elections. Now this is a 18 for 18 as well. Hard to believe isn't it. Since 1946 the year following every Mid term Elction has been the best years for the stock markert and I don't mean by just a little, it isn't even a close race. Now a few post back I told y'all that I was starting to focus on charts a little more than before, well check this one out.


This is what they are predicting going off of the past 72 years worth of Data. So what does this mean, well its simple, it doesn't matter if the Democrats or Republicans win. In those 72 years we have seen every combination possible. We have seen Democratic President with a Republican House, we have seen a Republican President with a Democratic house and we have seen a Republican President with a Republican house and last but not least we have seen a Democratic President with a Democratic house.

So it looks like 2019 will be the year of the stock markets, I mean honestly we are 18 for 18 right now. Is it to much of a gamble to think we will be 19 for 19.

Currently on Mid Term Day your Market Futures look like this.


Now I was not able to find any type of Data like this for precious metals. Would love to see it though. I mean how much lower can the precious metals market go? Here is the precious metals markets before the US market opens.


Sorry, looks like 2019 will be a good year for stocks, as long as it follows the Data.

Thanks for stopping by, remember stack Heavy! It's not what you buy it's how much you Buy!




interesting statistics.. but some might say.. its already 18 for 18.. so maybe this time is the first time it misses ?

It's like throwing a die right? you keep getting 6 for the last 18 throws.. maybe the odds of it being a 6 for the 19 time is not going to happen?

I had never heard about those stock market statistics, very interesting. Of course since usually the media presents statistics without error bars or statistical tests, I googled it and apparently Years 1, 2 and 4 are not significantly different than the 4 year average, only Year 3 is statistically significantly different.

I'm thinking you won't be too surprised at the "After Reset" prices of the Market, Gold, Silver and everything else of Value...

It would be pretty amazing if stocks continued an upward trajectory after such an unprecedented bull run the past year.

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Interesting stats. Hopefully they hold and the metals remain on sale for a little while longer so SSG can stack monster piles of loot!

the second year of every presidency since 1946 is the worse year of the 4 year term for stocks?

Well, I guess the next 6 years are going to be great for stocks!

so it should be a down year for metals in 2019 am I getting this data right