Many Pirates fought and died to get they hands on more Gold...
But, what did they do with it...???
They Buried it... lol...
What do we do when we acquire Gold...???
I'm sure we do pretty much the same...
We bury it at a Secret Location...
I really don't think Gold was meant as a Circulating Medium of Exchange...
Gold was meant to be Treasured...
I suppose it gives the Owner a sense of Security...
As to the Best of my Knowledge, no one has ever been able to take it with them...
I have to admit, it was once very useful, when you went into Town to Eat, Drink and be Merry...
But who brings Gold with them when they go out to Party these days...???
Back in those days, if you weren't careful, Gold could become a Curse...
How many of those Pirates lost their life over a Pocket Full of Gold...???
I see why it was commonly Buried...
It wasn't wise to have more than a couple pieces of Gold on Hand...
Today, we commonly use Paper, Coins, Credit and Debit Cards...
If you're into Crypto's, there are ways to Buy and Sell, using it...
Crypto's are still a little Complicated for the Average Joe...
Try tossing some Crypto into a Cup as you walk by someone who's down and out...
I tend to prefer having a Physical Medium of Exchange...
And like Gold, one shouldn't be Flashing it around...
The same Rules apply today when you go out to eat, drink and be merry...
There are many Desperate People, looking for some easy Money...
Don't become a Target...
The question I have for my fellow Stackers is...
Where do you hide your Gold...???
I could draw you a treasure map and you could come and get it! lol

That's what I need... A Treasure Map, to leave behind, so my Heirs will know where to dig up my Garden... I sure don't want them to destroy what I've spent years trying to create...
Yes, it is funny where we dig it out of the ground, guard it, then bury it again, great observation......but before the banksters created the Federal Reserve in 1913, before taxes began, we did carry gold coins around, we carried silver coins up until 1964. Gold coins and Silver coins carried a face value as legal tender and no one thought to rob you of your coins, as this was normal Packet Change...........Nothing to see here......SO if everyone gets re-acquainted with gold and silver being money again, then I think it is possible.
In order to use Gold and Silver as Circulating Money again, we'd have to Carry Around a Magnifying Glass and some Tweezers, in order to use it... lol... I keep telling people, it's not about the Melt Value... It's about having a Tool to Measure the Worth of any Given Object... And yes, you'll still be able to Purchase Gold and Silver using Pocket Change... By the way... What's the current Burn Value of Federal Reserve Notes...??? And yet, people will exchange Gold and Silver for them...
I gladly exchanged some UAE Dirhams for an Australian Kangaroo and a kilo of Turkish Silver, pity the LCS that traded me for it.
Where there are winners, there are also losers... Naturally, the losers doing like talking about it...
No one robs a pirate!
in our country statebank deposit the gold and according to the price of the gold they publish new currency notes,,,
the gold is in the bank i have cash according to that gold
...So, when the Price of Gold goes Down, they Burn some of the Currency...???
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