Australia Day Theme Contest
Tell me in up to 3 GIFS only!

This is the featured coin for the contest!

How can I find a GIF image?
What are the contest rules?
All upvoters are allowed to comment with up to 3 GIFS.
Upvoters will have 7 days from now to post their images.
After the 7 days is up I will choose a winner that is my favorite.
You are welcome to upvote each others comments as you like.
But this will not have any weight in the final result and decision.
Resteem is not required for entry but always appreciated :)

Mama? Really? For an Australian gif? We don't have mamas here. They are American.
it's about the kangaroo..
Them we have...
I made it a post to spread the word
Thanks mate :)
Nobody in Australia drinks Fosters, that is a myth.
I believe it, but here in the states they push that really hard.
can't even buy it in most pubs or bottlos (bottle shops) anymore.
Wow. It's everywhere here. I'm sure you have much better beers, but the U.S. thinks we'd prefer Foster's.
Lol. Sucks to be you.
Most people like the Bitters and IPA beers, not many drink lager, at least not around the parts I habitually roam. Which is most of the East coast. XXXX Gold in Qld, Carlton Draught, VB (Victoria Bitter), MB (Melbourne bitter) and Coopers (IPA or stout) are the main drinking beers.
Wonderful place
Here I come:

Wow! so many great entries..
Prob gonna sit this out and see what happens, don't have many Aussie themed GIF's, but will have a think and if time permits try - else best of luck all, they look great so far :)
No worries mate, there will a new one starting in a few days will post it up on the discord also :)
Everyone is going with funny gifs... Well, I prefer pretty ones :)
Storm in Australia

Fog rolling over the city Brisbane