Goldfucius Nofiat - How I came up with that name and LOOK - Shiny, Beautiful, LUSCIOUS GOLD Porn

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago

Hello Beautiful People of Steemit!

I Am Goldfucius Nofiat (@nofiat).

I was recently reminded I never did a proper introductory post, though if you were to go through my previous award-winning, totally upvote-able posts, I think you'll easily get a good sense of me. I am originally from Miami, Florida but relocated to Northern California's Silicon Valley in mid Q3'12. That is July/August of 2012 for you non-business types.

As a child, there were many money-related problems in my household, and being the observant type, I quickly determined I would do whatever it took to not let that happen to my future family. God's grace afforded me many opportunities as I grew older and many good teachers and mentors were placed along my path. We didn't have much money, but we had plenty of love and truly thoughtful individuals all around us. I joined the workforce at 14 years old and at the urging of solid friends I'm still very close to, entered into the wide-world of Sales. I've never really done anything else as an occupation since.

I love Selling.

I love everything about it. I've sold magazines, I've sold insurance, I've sold unmentionables, I've sold door-to-door, I've sold over the phone, I've sold online, I've sold in-person, I've coached others on selling, I've sold for a flat fee, I've sold for salary, I've sold for commission... I think you get it. The one thing I have not sold in an official capacity, is the stereotypical used car, but I know I will someday. If I could sell for 100% commission and it were lucrative, I'd do it in a heartbeat. These days I get paid pretty darn well to sell IT solutions to Enterprise-level customers between 500 and 5000 employees in my territory. I never planned any of this, but I trust in my Lord and in the abilities I've been gifted with and I seldom say NO to anything.

I Hate Money.

Love him or hate him, I think Mr. Kanye West once summed it up best, "Money ain't everything, Not having it is". I couldn't agree more. I don't respect money, but I aim to master it someday. For me it is a means to an end and nothing more. It is a tool to be used in a society that values it, and I use that tool to build up security for my family and also as an instrument for good works.

I Value All Things Scarce, Precious, and Unique.

What do I mean? A loving wife, family, good friends, innocence of children, God's creations, knowledge, individuality, free thinkers, willful doers, freedom, achievement of goals, integrity, etc., etc.

How Did I Get Here?.

For many reasons, I consider myself a careful observer of human behavior and I tie my observations to historical context, philosophy, sociology, law, and personal freedom. I was therefore always tangentially interested in Bitcoin, and later, cryptocurrency. I never got into it for investment purposes, but for the amazing potential for the peoples' freedom. That said, I was too busy trying to meet my revenue goals to really pay close attention. Around July 2017, a very close friend urged me to seriously consider "getting in" when BTC was around $2700 USD. As much as I love selling, any corporation will eventually find a way to wear you down and compensate you less over time. It is also easy to "grow into" one's success and end up putting yourself on a really fancy hamster wheel. Sensing this, I jumped in. My friend held my hand as I learned (I'm still nowhere near expert-level) and eventually introduced me to Steemit. This was a big move for me. I do not participate in social media beyond my professional and corporate interests. I saw it all for what it is a long time ago - an invitation for others to market to you, spy on you, manipulate your emotions, and keep record of all whom you interact with. No thanks. I'm probably fakked anyway, but at least I've tried to do my part to keep some semblance of privacy and control of my personal data. Any technology can be used for good or evil; in my judgement, the risks here outweigh the benefits. ...and here I am on the permanent blockchain. I never said I was smart, lol

As I considered Steemit, I knew I would need a pseudonym. My ID is not a big secret, but I like the separation of my worlds for now. Whatever; I thought long and hard, and based on my values, created Goldfucius Nofiat. Confucius is world-renowned since ancient times as a man of wisdom. Gold is arguably among the most precious material on Earth, and if you know your history, we should all be saying NO to FIAT! I figured I can make a statement with just a name. So far, so good! I will humbly admit I've received many comments about my handle and I am proud others get it.

Now, before I ever put $1 into anything crypto, I inherently knew I should hedge my bets. And, as a lover of all things precious, I had to buy some gold! Only after that did I start other speculative investments. Around this same time, I stumbled across some bad-ass, red-pilled, ass-kickers that used the #steemsilvergold tag and supported the heck out of each other. I got to know these folks a bit and I've learned so much in a short period of time! I now consider myself a full-fledged "stacker" and a very-proud member of the #steemsilvergold community!

Hopefully, I've done a good job here explaining my motivations and what I'm all about.

I've since been steadily acquiring PM (Precious Metals) and more generally, spending time thinking about different asset classes and ways to increase my personal freedom. Here are some recent posts (that you may still up-vote and curate - hint hint) highlighting recent Silver acquisitions:

And HERE IS THE GOLD (the first and latest acquisition)!

I love the yellow shiny so much!

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I'm Cheating on my Wife with this blind lady here:

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Her face is pretty but I love her heavy backside too!

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Another group photo:

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It is important for all to understand that we do not post our precious metals to brag (though there is definitely pride in ownership). We post them to bring attention to the long-forgotten importance of real money and sound-money economic principles, the absence of which has inflicted tremendous pain and burden upon the societies of the world. I realize many out there have so little, so much less, but KNOW that all is possible. You are a child of God. Serve Him and be blessed. Do not be led astray by the corrupt society around you! Do not be fooled by loud voices! I'm no holy man, but I always ask myself, "if not me, who will?". That is why I write what I write and share what I share. God bless you and your families!

Goldfucius Nofiat



Welcome to

Congrats on your success @nofiat. Watching you grow from little flounder to adolescent dolphin is making the Nakamoto family proud. Keep kaBOOMIN over here!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold


That was an excellent post. Great Au pick-ups (...thedamus slobbers a little) and very level headed and smart article. Especially the part about rarity. Steem on bro, you rule!

Gracias por unirte a Steemit donde podrás compartir conmigo y con muchas personas más.

Igualmente! Gracias!

Great summary of your existence here at#steemsilvergold, motivations and the how life leads you to certain directions, including our hobbies. Some how I missed your original post but found it today, well worth reading, thanks for contributing to the community.

Hey @nofiat ! Great intro and post. I'm curious to learn more about #steemsilvergold and precious metals. Followed you! :)

Hi @unfixable! Thanks very much; I'm glad you enjoyed the post and I appreciate the follow too! You will learn a whole lot by following our group tag #steemsilvergold. You are also welcome to ask me any questions you have and I'll do my best to answer them. People stack for different reasons, but mainly as a form of savings outside of the current financial system. If you go through my previous posts, you might start to get an idea about my motivations. Keep stackin!

Welcome welcome welcome and what an awesome attitude you have, and what a positive outlook you have for this community and society :) Keep it up and I look forward to reading more of your posts :)

Goodluck here

Thank you kindly friend!

I am very pleased to know about you. Keep stacking!

means a lot Ronaldo, thank you sir!

next time you plan to buy gold let me know I might be able to find you a better deal

I'll look forward to it, thanks! Find me on our group's discord and lets get into the details there. No rush for now, need time to recharge the big guns, know what I mean?

I actually have not started with Discord is it complicated?

nah - I think one of the group mods puts out the link every now and then...just a matter of clicking and downloading the software

so it's not like a website it's similar to an app?

There you go - I figured out how to provide an invitation, though it is only good for 1 day since it isn't my server.

thanks I used my same screen name, at least I think I did

Welcome to Steemit nofiat. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! You can also earn Steem by gaming now! Search for Steemgar if that's more your thing. Welcome to the blockchain! :)

Although some of this information is no longer accurate, I do appreciate the welcome very much. Thank you!

Welcome to steemit nofiat,
I am looking forward in reading more of your posts.
I just came across this post that I believe you may be interested on.
The site is called Steemstats!/
Its official site in steemit and I like to share this post with you and your readers.

I read it all! With an pension investment/actuarial background having worked in corporate staff all my life (HP among others) I make sure my own investments are mostly low risk (deposits/cash/house) and diversified (stocks/gold.) I am so blessed the return is not important anymore for me.

...nothing wrong with that! Good people should stick together, so I thank you for the support and for reading through! I'm sure I could learn much from your experience, especially regarding stock. Although I believe those markets are somewhat (if not totally) manipulated, I do have a goal to pick up a non-401K stock at some point this year. Let's see how it goes!

Gracias @nofiat realmente es un post retador para los que incursionamos en steemit. Interesante también tu seudónimo, -Goldfucius Nofiat- creo que en español creo podría significar: La sabiduría es No hagas oro ¿?

gracias! Lo interpreto de manera diferente... La sabiduria classica de Confucius que no se encuentra en el sistema de Fiat, en combinacion con Oro y los metales preciosos

Great post my friend. Nothing like gold and silver👍👍👍

Sincerest thanks!

 I've sold unmentionables 

Does that mean that you've sold lingerie? LOL

BTW What do you think of the company GoldMoney?

... a man of details, always a good trait! GoldMoney is super-cool and I'm glad they exist. I'd definitely consider a job with them, or steemit, for that matter!

Do you think Physical U.S. Coinage might play a major roll in the Reset of our Monetary System, when the Paper Fiat Dollar Bills Collapse...???

You did say "might", and I rule nothing out. Your theory is certainly plausible. Regardless, we all should prepare ourselves as best we can for any and all outcomes!

Great answer... I like the way you think... I always tend to use words like might, may, perhaps and in my opinion... lol... One can never be too careful what he says...

Well thank you kindly my friend! I do appreciate your input and people like you as well! Thanks also for taking the time to read through my post!

Did you happen to Notice the increase, in this Posts Value...???
What happened...???

Nice post! I am in the neighborhood in the Bay Area. Not a sales person though...

That's great! I'd love to meet-up in the near future! Let's keep in touch...

Hell yes man, what a post!

Always working to break the chains of the dollar. Nice mistress! What made you buy gold instead of silver? (I'm a po boi, silver is gold to me lol)

Thanks for reading through and for the encouragement. No logic really. I just love the stuff and it feels right! One of the things I didn't mention (post was getting long) is that I set a goal for myself to get 5 ounces last year. I missed the timing, but I kept the goal. 2 last year and 1 so far this year...

Good luck stacking! I find it useful to post such goals here on the blockchain. Like writing it down some place you can't forget lol

Inset a goal a few weeks ago to start researching and voting on witnesses. Cast my first five votes tonight. We're both meeting our goals, good work man.

Good on you! I have my favorites and it'd probably be a great discussion for our discord, now that you mention it. Make sure to vote up @guiltyparties and the rest of our supporters!

Is that the ssg witness?

I love how tight the group is! I'll be more active in it soon hopefully. Physical stacking has been very low on my priority list, and it would be super cool to change that.

Hello dear ! Welcome to Steemit ! I'm a cryptocurrency trader with really good results, 70%, 258%, 300% (REAL) Feel free to join me on Steemit to get great info&way to understand & invest in the crypto world ! CQRTC.

because with the togetherness despite the different places, let us succeed with the affection of the hands only mengevote blog our colleagues @zuhrafriska