
You're not doing so bad... I would have settled for your thoughts on my Theory... That means more to me than any Up-Vote...

Are you really done blogging until the currency resets?

I won't rule out making another blog... I do tend to edit my existing Blogs... So look for any new changes there... Thanks for replying...

I think it is good to keep updating and creating. With a vivid imagination, I am sure you have other theories as well to share?

I started Steemit the end of March 2019 and it has been fun.

Where does your theory come from?

Honestly I don't fully understand your theory buy I do think it is imaginative and fun to think about the US rolling in gold bullion.

I like that you support our President.

I asked myself if there was a possible Solution to our Monetary Nightmare... My Wild Imagination came up with the Solution... I've been Fine Tuning it for many Years... What you've been reading, is about as good as my Theory gets... My Wild Imagination tells me, we're less than four weeks away from the Start of a Major Monetary Event... My Theory is very simple... What we know as the Petro Dollar, will soon become the Petro Cent, with no loss in Spending Power...

I will watch the calendar. With only 4 weeks left I am behind the curve as far as preparation. I may be SOL when this takes place.

Get prepared now... Then Listen for News about the the 12 Federal Reserve Banks in the United States being Occupied by U.S. Treasury Agents, starting on July 1, 2019... That will mark the beginning of the United States Monetary Event (in my opinion)...

How can I get prepared? What, in yoir opinion, should be done?

Get your hands on as much Physical U.S. Coinage as you feel is necessary... If you’re outside the United States, I think your best bet is Physical Silver...