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RE: Educating Family About Money : Part 1 – Gold and Silver

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

I have to agree with you on all of what you say. Even getting a member of my family to watch a video would be tough, so good on you for even achieving that.

There's a reality bubble. Everyone's living in their own version of it, and unless their reality includes seeing the trouble that's been brewing for, well forever, then they won't see it until it's too late.

I've found that if you truly care about topics, you need to find arguments for and arguments against, and take all sides into account and then figure out what's true. It's a long, often difficult task, but being ignorant isn't a solution. No one's going to bail you out when everything comes crashing down. You'll either be prepared or you won't, and screaming, "Why didn't someone warn us?" won't have much weight, when someone did. Someone in our own family who we discounted repeatedly.


Oh man...the "Reality Bubble" - I love that!

I know I am going to have the "I tried to warn you" moment, just like I did after the GFC hit in 2008. But it's a small consolation and the funny thing is people never even remember the warnings. I've suffered from the Cassandra Curse for many years now. Maybe it's the way I deliver the message, that's why I'm looking for new ideas.