If you didn't know, there is a physical Steemit silver "coin" that is community designed through a Steemit art contest every year. 2018 is only the second year Steem Silver RoundsSteem Silver Round. will be produced. This year's art design contest winner is @welshstacker. Here is his winning design that will be stamped on the Obverse of the 2018
There are rounds of voting for the design contest, where each round, at least one design with the lowest number of votes is eliminated. After several rounds, the last surviving design wins. The inaugural 2017 Steem Silver Round Design ContestSteem Silver Round. was won by @bearone. She was also the runner-up in the 2018 contest. Here is her winning design that is on the obverse of the original 2017
The 2017 Steem Silver Round is HIGHLY collectible, and that is not an exaggeration. Last years rounds sold out before the pre-sale ended, and this year's pre-sale is on pace to do the same. There was a limited minting of only 1500 of the 2017 rounds, while due to their increasing popularity, 2018 will see 2500 rounds to ensure new interested parties can have a fair chance at getting them early. As soon as the 2017 rounds hit the secondary market, they doubled and in some cases tripled in price. We can expect to see a similar occurrence with the 2018 rounds, that are currently still available for pre-sale.
Pre-orders for 2018 are available for $23.50 per round plus shipping (currently about 6.2 STEEM). You can pay with either PayPal (fiat) or a number of different cryptocurrencies.
Accepted cryptos include Steem, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Vertcoin, SmartCash, and Dash. Please convert your SBD to STEEM to purchase. SBD is not accepted.
If you are on Steemit and you are reading this, I highly recommend ordering some of these during the pre-sale if you haven't already. It is a GREAT investment, and a beautiful physical silver artifact from an intangible imagined world. I have personally already ordered 25 rounds, and am considering ordering more with some STEEM I have earned.
At one point, there was what I now call the "Dreamcoin" version of the design for the 2018 round. This version was a little too detailed for the mint that is currently handling production to fabricate a proper stamp for. So ultimately and unfortunately, this version of the design had to be scrapped. I still feel the final design turned out well, I just think we all wish this version was possible to produce. Hence the name, "Dreamcoin".

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Thank you for spreading the word. Very comprehensive explanation amd I'm sure this will help sell a few more. Glad you like the design and incorporating the steem logo in to the design has turned out great
I was rooting for you throughout the contest. I voted for you in every round since I discovered the contest as well. I am stoked your design was selected, and excited to see it immortalized on the 2018 Steem Silver Round!! Nice work buddy!
looks at coin graphics
"That looks nice... Wait... Oh look Y Ddraig Goch (The Welsh Dragon XD) !"
Nice easter egg !
Also, what's with the "R" ?
No idea what you're talking about!! 😉
That's a very nice looking Silver Round... Nice Weed Wings...
This might be the most comprehensive post I have seen so far! Thank for you doing this! I have resteemed it!
Thank you for the compliment & support, & thank you for keeping the Steem Silver dream alive!!!
Got my pre-order in this time, so I won't have to pay extra for the aftermarket like I did in 2017
Super detailed post. I got my order in on the first day. I'm also tempted to buy some more, but I sort of want to hold out while the price of steem keeps climbing. It's already more than doubled since I placed my order.
I also placed my order on the first day, I tried to be the first order in fact, I had a timer set and everything. I feel you on holding out to buy with STEEM, I used fiat for my first order, I just want to get a few more before I miss the chance to. I feel whether you hold out for STEEM to rise or get these rounds with STEEM rn, you will experience a similar amount of capitol gain as the price for these rounds will at least double from its current price in the secondary market. The price of STEEM could go down, it is a lot less likely that will happen with these rounds. As always, metal is the most solid, especially when that metal is a rare limited edition collectible.
Thanks for the reminder, I just ordered mine ;)
Nice! Glad I could help :-)
Hey mate. Great post. Bearone is a woman :)
Thank you for that. Post has been edited. I get the gender thing mixed up on here sometimes.
She's cool, it's one of the pitfalls of choosing a neutral username. Again. Excellent post. I'm getting excited about these coins :)
Nice post about the Steem silver round! I locked in my pre-order a little while ago, so I'm looking forward to getting it in the mail once it's ready :)
Me too. I am glad you are a part of this Steem silver movement with us!
Bro thank you for bringing this to our awareness !
I am glad that it got your attention bc I know you guys can do a lot to promote this. The whole point of making an extra 1000 rounds this year was to make sure more people on Steemit that want them can get them, but if they do not know about it, then they cannot get it. THANK YOU for helping spread the word as well. These spots will run out soon.
Nice post @elamental, nice idea with the steem logo! Looking forward to this one.
I as well. Thank you for the compliment!