@silversaver888 I believe this is a very good question my friend! I am more of a saver, however I love to buy things that I see value in. I usually end up weighing items out and thinking of it as a pro and con. If I invest now in a remodel down the road more will come from it so I spend. However, there is a part of me that loves to buy or do things that make awesome memories. Going to comic-con, paying 50 bucks for a signature, meeting thiose that made an impression on me. These things could be considered a waste but not to me because they shaped who I am. I guess what I am saying is no matter where you fall its about what you place value on. Luckily, most stackers understand that we hold value so we can use it later on things that will make us happy or benefit family in the end. I mean whats the fun of saving so much you have forgotten to live. Sorry my friend went off on a tangent lol. Appreciate this post and I am a saver for sure!
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In practice, starting three months into my stacking, I save half of my disposable income in fiat currency, thus building my fiat currency stack. The other half is spent on precious metals. But some people are extremes. You must have heard stories of elderly people ... die in one-room apartments with few comforts, who, unknown to everyone, had savings and investments of a million dollars or more! Being a saver or a sender is not good or bad. Like anything in life, we all need to strive for balance. GReat comment, @dwingsworld! Have a terrific day. Take care.