Mate it is sad to see things come to this. You've done so much for SSG and have always been one of the guys working behind the scenes for this group without any expectation of getting thanks or rewards. I lot of members probably don't realise just how much you've been doing and you've probably been a risk of burning yourself out for a while now.
I've tried to stay out of this recent blowup as I can see both sides to the arguement. I can't sum it up any better than that great quote from Voltaire - "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." I personally like the fact that you say things how you see them and don't pull any punches because I always know where we stand. That's not everyones cup of tea though.
Anyway, I took a break from SSG and STEEM for quite a while and am slowly coming back now a bit more refreshed so I can step up and help out with some of the stuff you've been doing. If I can offer you some advice it's to just step back a bit, chill and freshen up a bit. SSG is not going anywhere and you've got a lot of respect here with a lot of good relationships built. You are one of US so while we might disagree from time to time we've still got your back.
You always make alot of sense with your comments, i always think about you say. I just dont agree with the way a few things are being handled within SSG and this whole thing has sort of pushed me over the edge. I know i have thrown a bitch fit, i am aware i am wrong in way but im right in a way also. I'll DM you