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RE: Catching Knives

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago

I was analyzing some charts the other day and think BitCoin will test $3,000 before it goes up again very much. Keep some dry powder available and don't go "all in." We're going to see some major market volatility this year, methinks. Personally, I told myself the other day not to buy into a BTC postion above $3,400. But, silver is still SO ON SALE right now. I was also looking at some deep analysis of the top 12 silver mining sites in the world and it looks very much like production costs will be going way up while the quality of ore has been going way down - which can only mean a good boost in silver price over the next year. Don't sell the SHINY !!!


Hindsight is 20/20 man. But i now believe we may see the btc lows you’re talking about... but the whe point of selling the shiny was so i could buy more! 🤣🥊

Win some and lose some!

True. The current price of both is undervalued, and you can't go wrong by diversifying if you're heavy metals (pun intended). It's probable that more people could look towards cryptos this next time around, when the stock market has troubles. Equities may have one last leg up in 2019, or this may be "IT" on the way down for a good bear market. Central banks are accumulating gold and CEO's dumping stocks - so it's not long now... I think banks will try to assume control of cryptos (if they haven't already) or they will start to issue their own - they will not give away control of money without a fight (hopefully not a WW3 scenario).

I made a call about 6 months ago that the BTC absolute low was in the $2,745 area, if you compare it to past retracements. In case you're interested

I just hate to see someone having to sell silver at this very low price - even if it's for another undervalued asset. Silver COULD go a bit lower ($12 - $13) but it's not likely - and BTC probably still has some more downside, so it's a good idea to buy-into BTC with a 1/2 position, in case the price keeps on dropping. It never hurts to have a bit of cash ready for unexpected events.