ADSactly Contest - SteemShort #3 - Post 3: Request for Last Part of the Story

in #steemshorts7 years ago (edited)

SteemShort #3 - Post 3: Request for the Last Part of the Story


Starting with SteemShort #4, each SteemShort will have a theme

A theme may include one of several of: a location, some characteristics of the main character, an approximative date, some event that has just occurred, etc

UPDATE: The author for the last part of SteemShort #3 has been chosen (2018-Jan-02)

The summary with the most upvotes (41) has been written by @gerald.knows.

Congratulations, @gerald.knows

Here is the summary:

“You are pregnant for a man that isn’t your husband !!!!!
what are you thinking!!!!???”
Queen bellowed
“But wait” I said to her. “Does it matter?”

“He’s taking care of me, he says he loves me, he makes me happy whenever we are together and he has never abandoned me. He has a wife, yes! But still can’t such an amazing person be shared, since other men have decided to be wicked and heartless”

“But Ada, what is wrong is wrong!! Go and amend your mistakes!!!”

Queen walked out of the house obviously angry with me, then it dawned on me: I AM WRONG!!!

I Had to fix this before it’s too late, I’m sure his wife would see me as a home breaker!!! What was I to do?
I am pregnant for him!!!
What will I do?

My GOD!!!

The world was spinning around me as I made these realizations. I felt weak, I felt broken again, I felt pain!!!

But above it all, this was my fault and I had to correct my mistakes!!!


SteemShort are short stories written collaboratively by three differents authors and illustrated by an artist/photographer.
The process to create a SteemShort is described in this this post and amended in this one.

This is the request for the last part of the third SteemShort.

The first part has been written by @cwen and the middle part has been written by @mr-aaron.

Authors that want to write this last part should send in a comment the summary of their proposed contribution. This summary must be in 100 to 200 words. Any proposed summary that is shorter than 100 words or longer than 200 words will not be considered. The summary must describe the continuation and the end of the story.

To vote for an author, readers need to send 0.01 STEEM or 0.01 SBD to @steemshorts, with a memo that starts with "# SteemShort #3 Post 3 " followed by the username of the author. The character '#' is important, as it makes the memo only readable by @steemshorts. Any memo that does not start with '#' will not be considered.

Example of such a memo:

# SteemShort #3 Post 3 - marcel.dubrovnik

Readers may, of course, upvote the summary comment of the author they like, but the number of upvotes is no longer considered for choosing the author. Only the secret votes sent to @steemshorts are considered.

The chosen author will be the one that have the most votes sent to @steemshorts for his summary comment 3 days after this post. The post will be updated to indicate which author has been chosen.

The chosen author will then be instructed how to submit their full contribution. The full contribution need to be between 500 and 1,500 words.

Once the full contribution of the chosen author will be received, another post with the full story will request proposals for an illustration for the story.

All authors need to agree for a “Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike” (

No title for the short story should be suggested. When the full text of the full story will be known, the three different authors will each propose a title.

So, writers, send your summary proposals.

And, readers, vote for your preferred author sending 0.01 STEEM or SBD to @steemshorts with a valid memo starting with '#'.

Here is the first and middle parts of the story, writen by @cwen and @mr-aaron:

9th March

Good morning my husband -12:17
Hope you are doing great? Just checking up on you.
I haven’t heard from you for a while now.
Do have a blessed day -12:17

11th March

Good morning my husband – 16:19
How are you doing? -16:20
It’s been a long while – 16:21

20th March

Good Morning My husband – 14:42

31st March

Have a blessed day today – 16:10

6th April

How is your day going my husband? It’s been awhile I heard from you. – 14:25

11th April

Voice call declined -20:47

16th April

You haven’t communicated to me or picked my calls for months now.
What exactly have I done to deserve this ill treatment? -22:10

4th July

Voice call declined -21:58
When will you call me? I don’t feel loved anymore. You are acting like I mean nothing to you.
You have not spoken or picked up my calls for months now.
How do you expect me to feel towards you when next I see you?

You can move on, don’t worry about me.
I won’t be coming back there again.

What?! – 22:10

You heard me!!!

^^Screenshot sent^^ -22:12
He is so callous, so unrepentant. You have sent him all these texts yet no response.
This is the third time he is asking you to forget about the marriage.
You have sent pictures of your ovulation signs to him.
Asked four different people to entreat on your behalf;
He gave them four different reasons for his actions.
You thought it was all about your inability to conceive.
I told you it’s not!
He is yet to give you a genuine reason for his actions.
Now he has added injury to Insult by blocking you from all social media.
He is simply telling you to get out of his life. Yet you keep texting!
Aren’t you tired of crying every night?
Aren’t you tired of lonely sad nights?
Aren’t you tired of loving him?
Why do you keep demanding for love where it does not exist?

He is my husband. – 22:18

He is not A HUSBAND!
Are you crying?!

Missed Video Call – 22:38

Pick up my video call


Queen cannot decide my marriage is over for me, I refuse to believe these messages hubby sends me or his silence to me. It is the Devil’s manipulations at work!

No, I must not faint, I have to be strong! I can’t let the world laugh at me, there must be a solution to all this craziness going on. This is beyond me, who do I run to? All his siblings have given me the cold shoulder telling me our marriage is none of their business. I can see them laughing at me already; they have gathered to laugh at me for no reason, see them- eating their tasteless meals and liking their fingers in relish; happy to know my marriage to their brother is over; why would another person’s pain give them joy? God knows I did them no wrong.

Yes God! God can do it! I must get up now .The cock has crowed. It must be 3 A.M now. I need to pack few of my clothing for this journey. I must win this battle! The sleepless nights I have had for months now must end.

Who could that be banging on my Gate at this ungodly hour? Why would anyone come bother me so early?

“Oh, it’s you Queen”

“Yes, of course it’s me. I could not sleep knowing you are here all alone after that text message and your refusal to pick my calls. Open the gate please”

“Come in.”

I could feel Queen’s eyes from behind me watching me closely and suspiciously, I know. Well, I don’t blame her, the last time I got that rude message I opted for suicide; had her instincts not told her to come visit me at that time, I might have been dead now. Well, the truth is I thought my life at that moment was over; thank God I think differently now; for I have put my trust in God and now I know what to do.

I should tell Queen I am better now, she needs not worry like this about me.

“Queen, You see am not suicidal anymore………...”
“Really? With all the garbage in your bin and plates on the floor still there since two days ago I last visited you?”

“You see, I really mean it………”

“Look Adanma, this is not you. You would never keep your room this untidy with clothes scattered everywhere else but the closets. I am so worried about you! Your last drama still shocks me till date. You no longer try to look good. Your Hair unkempt for over 3 months now and your invisibility on your social media; what is that?! You were the Kim Kardashian of us all. You should have moved past all this with all my support and pep talks, He is not worth your tears, don’t you want to get a better man? How would anyone know you exist? There are other men out th…”

“Stop it Queen! He is still my Husband, why should I think of another man?” I had to stop Queen’s rants she cannot weaken my resolve to fix this marriage.

“My marriage is still fixable…..”

“No, you can’t fix it alone! How can you fix a marriage when one partner is hell bent on destroying it?”

“Sure I can’t fix it alone. I have another partner that can fix it. I am on my way to see him!”


“I am going to the Mountain.” I could see bewilderment dancing around Queen’s eyes; so I took her hands and prod her to kneel beside me.

“You see, I hardly make a Prayer on my Knees, today I am going to pray a special prayer and you will be my witness, I am going to a Mountain to seek God’s face, if my prayers will not be answered on this mission then He can take my life…..”

Queen snatched her hands from me and jumped up to her feet.

“You are still suicidal Adanma!!! Please you have to stop all these nonsense talk, Have you ever had a different perspective to this? Perhaps God wants you to avoid a pitfall that may happen in that marriage. What if He is dead? Wouldn’t you move on?”

“But he is not dead!” I shouted trying hard to fight this one drop of tear blurring my vision.

“Sorry I shouted but he is not dead. He is alive. People would laugh at me, they would say I was a bad wife or maybe I am barren or say lots of vile things about me, I would be labelled as someone who couldn’t keep her marriage together. Can’t you see? I need to fight for my marriage!”

“Adanma, Please stop hurting yourself with all these thoughts, I don’t see you that way and am sure most people don’t see you that way too…”

“You’re not most people!”

“This is beyond me, I have to call Mama”

“I’ve packed my things; no one will stop me.”

“And I won’t let you go till Mama gets here.”

“Mama welcome. Sorry I made you come out here so early. I can’t seem to handle this situation Adanma is giving me. I know you would be in the best position to handle this.”

“Adanma, How are you?” Mama asked but I was in the spirit.

“For over an hour she’s been pacing the entire room and speaking gibberish non-stop!”

“My daughter is heartbroken, I know. I know from the day she called in worry to tell me he has stopped picking her calls. I have been praying and fasting since then that all will be well for my daughter.”

“Thank you Mama” I swung towards her.

“Thank you Mama, I want to go to the mountain……. Why do you look so pale weak and older than your age?”

“Every day I call to check on you and you politely hang up on me. I feel your pain. Your pain is my pain. My sister, your aunt Olachi had this experience 20 years ago, I watched her struggle to gain her sanity back for 3 years. I could do nothing to save her, or so I thought. This time I will not let you be hopeless. I will follow you to the mountain. ”

I swung my arms over her shoulder and dropped my head on Mama’s chest, the tears I had been fighting hard to keep for months now rolled freely. At last, someone understands me and doesn’t think me crazy. My shoulders got wet, Mama cried too. I never meant to hurt her. Thoughts of putting my mum in so much pain made my bones vibrate and body shiver. I should have said no to his marriage proposal.

Mama straightened up and said. “Let’s go to the mountain!”

"Adanma, we've been on this mountain for 3 days now and I think it's time for you to move on" Mama said as she showed some serious motherly concern.

It was as if these words were signs from God to confirm the mixed feelings I'm having inside of me. Should I move on with life or still keep on hoping I will be with him again?

"You deserve more than that low life. You two were never meant to be. Just forget it and move on."

For the first time in the past few months I felt so relieved. It was like a great burden was lifted off my shoulders. These words brought back my missing parts and made them came together again.

"Thank you, Mama... I think I've been wasting too much time praying to God concerning what is impossible. I have decided to move on now. I have my life to live and he has his own too. I will never let him get into my head again." I assured Mama.

"I've allowed him to get the best part of me for too long. Not anymore." I said to myself.

Mama and I left the place where we were praying and went to the prophet - prophet Moses. He was the one who started a prayer center on that mountain.

He had a bell in his hand which he struck several times. He also said series of prayers and paused to sing a song or two at interval as he prayed. And with each song he sang, he danced like someone with convulsion or to better put it - someone who stepped on a life electric wire.

One would have taken him for a fake prophet for his dramatic ministrations but it is obvious from the results he gets that God is with him. (His only problem was the fact that he couldn't resist falling into the diverse temptations with ladies that visit the mountain for prayer.)

He advised me that it is time I move on and forget about the past. He read a verse of the Bible to me which says, "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice."

"I still could not believe that it is you that I'm seeing this happy again my daughter," Mama said as she came to sit down beside me on the two seated sofa. "You look very beautiful."

She made me remember the good old days when she'll make me sit beside her while she tells me stories.

"I heard someone knocking at the door Mama. Let me go get it."

"I will get it" Mama offered...

"Adanma could this be you? " Queen said ecstatically as she draws closer to pull me up from the sofa. She made me turn 360 to make sure she saw all part of me. "You look very beautiful my dear." She reaffirmed what Mama said.

"What's going on girl?" She asked with a puzzled look.

"I was on my way out before you came. Mama was the one delaying me with her flattering and several compliments."

"Where is this place you are going that has no name?" she asked.

"You will get to know, but not today. If you don't mind I'm late already and I would like to go."

"Bye..." "Bye..."

Mama and Queen couldn't contain their amazement as it was clearly shown in the way they watched me leave the house.

It is now becoming constant for me to leave the house well dressed and come back late in the night. That has been the only thing that has given me joy in a long time.

"Young lady, you can't just come home anytime you want late in the night." Mama protested.

"If you don't like it Mama go back to your husband's house."

"My husband is dead and you are the only one left for me. I'm not going to watch you do like this. "

"I'm old enough Mama".

"You can never be too old not to take to my correction. Sit down young lady!"

"I'm sorry Mama. I'm very tired and I need rest."

"I'm not going to allow you make the same mistake you made with your husband again ..."

"Mama please don't ever call that man my husband. How many times do I have to tell you? " I screamed at her as I went into my room.

I apologized to Mama in the morning for talking to her very rudely last night and promised never to raise my voice at her again.

"I don't know how to break this news to Mama. Will she be happy or angry? I want her to be the first person to hear. I haven't even told my friend Queen. How would she react too?" These were the thoughts that bothered my heart as I paced up and down my room.

"I'm telling Mama," I said to myself. Getting out of my room I met my so called husband. He wore a black shirt nicely tucked in a blue jeans.

"Who showed you the way to this place?" I mocked him.

"It's our house, remember?"

"No. I built this house so it is not our house but my house. By the way, why are you here? Have you come to start from where you left? Do you think I'll come running to you this time again? Do you..."

"Enough Adanma!" he yelled at me. "I never hated you. I was just teaching you a lesson?"

"You called this a lesson?" I said, almost crying. "you left me for months. You did not check on me and you call it a lesson."

"I guess it was too extreme but you always treated me like I was nothing" he added. "Is it true that you are seeing another man? Is it true that you are going out with a man who is married with several kids? "

"How is that your business?" I said as I fight the tears that is beginning to well in my eyes.

"Is it true my dear Adanma...". Mama turned to me as if that was the only word that she has heard us say all through.

"Who is the man, Adanma... Answer me this moment!" he requested.

"It is the prophet... Prophet Moses..." I replied and was ashamed of myself for a moment.

"I know that you are under a spell. The prophet is fake and that's how he goes about snatching other people's wives. Let me back into your life and let's start all over again."

"I'm no longer your wife. Everything ended on July 4 when you send me that message that is over." The exact words of the messages keep playing over and over again in my head.

"You can move on, don't worry about me. I won't be coming back there again."

"And by the way, I'm two months pregnant from him."

Mama looked at me with confusion and he did the same too.

"But the doctors said so can't have a child," Mama said full of surprise.

"You mean you are having his chi..."

"Yes, you heard me right. He's more a man than you will ever be."

Steemshorts Contest is authored and managed by: @vcelier

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There are 2 pages

My entry:

The so-called husband, Solomon, takes off to the mountain. Adanma and her mother follow close behind. Solomon finds Moses and confronts him. In front of Adanma, Moses denies everything and claims Adanma is bewitched, insane, and needs his care. Adanma, incensed, calls him a liar and a devil. Her mother tries to take Adanma away but Moses reaches for her. Solomon stops him with a hard punch. Moses collapses. Her mother runs away. When the authorities arrive, they find only Adanma, sitting on the floor, crying. Moses is dead. A kettle lays between them. They ask Adanma what happened. She tells them. It doesn't make sense. Confused and skeptical, the authorities visit Queen to verify what Adanma told them. Queen tells them that Adanma can't be telling the truth. Solomon never returned and Mama was at her home, having given up trying to persuade her daughter to desist with her plans. They are all left to wonder what spell — what evil — created Adanma’s delusion, and are left to grapple with the destruction her insanity produced.

Thank you for your valid summary.

Amazing story from @cwen and @mr-aaron

Here’s my summary

“You are pregnant for a man that isn’t your husband !!!!!
what are you thinking!!!!???”
Queen bellowed
“But wait” I said to her. “Does it matter?”

“He’s taking care of me, he says he loves me, he makes me happy whenever we are together and he has never abandoned me. He has a wife, yes! But still can’t such an amazing person be shared, since other men have decided to be wicked and heartless”

“But Ada, what is wrong is wrong!! Go and amend your mistakes!!!”

Queen walked out of the house obviously angry with me, then it dawned on me: I AM WRONG!!!

I Had to fix this before it’s too late, I’m sure his wife would see me as a home breaker!!! What was I to do?
I am pregnant for him!!!
What will I do?

My GOD!!!

the world was spinning around me as I made these realizations. I felt weak, I felt broken again, I felt pain!!!

But above it all, this was my fault and I had to correct my mistakes!!!

Congratulations @gerald.knows, you are the chosen author.

Please, contact me (@vcelier) on or discord for your full contribution.

Thank you for your valid summary.

Hello everyone this is my summary (the blockquote is part of the summary I just thought it would look better that way)

Adanma in her eagerness to feel a hint of joy and acceptance returns with her husband. The uncontainable fury against her causes a physical revenge leading to the violent abortion of the baby, Adanma shattered And now an outcast without the support of his mother and Queen She seeks comfort in the prophet.

After a while things just get harder and unfortunate for her caused by the repeated friction of her husband with the prophet, violence increases more and more every day carrying dire consequences along the way.

Whatever comes next, God will not be a part of it.

In the moment my mouth finished enunciating this last sentence I realized of what it really means: I fell into a dark spiral of denial, hatred and adultery, because although he left me he is still my husband in the eyes of God and I've turned my back on him and everything I believe just for having a chance to feel good about myself again.

“If we affirm that we have communion with him, but we live in darkness, we lie and do not put into practice the truth “Said mother with a shattered voice and tears in her eyes.

Thank you for your valid summary.

Hello. Here is my proposal...

Adanma thought one of her biggest dreams as a child had been fulfilled when she blissfully glided into marriage in the reassuring arms of the love of her life, safe in the truth of his good intentions and hopes for a long beautiful life together…
Until darkness stepped in, kicked light out of her sweet dreams and love out of the only place she ever wanted to call home. With cold hands, her husband’s love was snatched out of her reach.
Thankfully, on the other side of her greatest fears, Adanma finds redemption; she gets a second chance and vindication for her shame.
The journey had been rough and the shortcuts had looked too broad to be ignored. Under the covering of secrecy, corners were cut; and while no one looked, scandalous liberties sneakily taken.
Now comes the moment of truth when Adanma, her mother, friend and everything she holds dear will know if all joys are truly joys, if all remedies offer true comfort to aching hearts.
Will Adanma’s second chance be permanent, or will the shadow of a marriage past put out the new light she’d just found?

Thank you for your valid summary.

Part 3 summary

...he is more of a man than you'll ever be.....

My so-called-husband recoiled in anger, raising his hand to punish me. I stood firmly in place, eyes raging with a decade and a half of compartmentalized pain and frustration.

"No." I growled. "You will not touch me ever again"

My "husband" may have left to teach me a lesson, but I was taking back my life now. He no longer had any power over me. He lost it all when the Prophet took my heart in his hands.

"Adanma," mother cried, "have you not heard the stories about the Prophet?? How he lures women out of their marriages??!"

Adanma was ignorant to the blatantly clear fact the Prophet is no better than her abusive husband. Prophet promised the world, only to entrap women with children. Adanmas life would be harsher than she ever could have imagined.

Does Adanma stay with the Prophet? Does she allow her wayward husband to come home, raising her illegitamate child together?
Does she abandon both men, her meddling mother and friend, and start a new life with her child?

Vote and find out!

very good topic

“Adanma, please talk to Mama. You know that I will always be there for you regardless of your decision, but I want what is best for you too. Do you understand, my dear?” Mama begged. I could see the worries in her eyes and I regretted the pain I had caused her.

“Mama, I hate him. I hate Joe.” I cried. Mama embraced me and tried to calm my anger.

“I know he’s not the best husband, but he does have a point Adanma. Prophet Moses is not the right man for you despite your hostility towards Joe and his resentment towards you. His anger might be due to his confusion about your pregnancy, though he has no rights since he left you. He’s confused and angry at the same time. When these two powerful emotions come together, the consequence will only be more explosive. He might have questions as to why you’re pregnant now and not before when you were both together. To be honest, the same question has crossed my mind, dear. I thought, through past medical exams, it would be near impossible for you to get pregnant and yet, you told us of a miracle today,” Mama reasoned, and I could hear the excitement in her voice.

“Mama, you know we have tried very hard to have children but we haven’t been blessed before now,” I provided. I suspected that my past infertility might be the reason for Joe’s departure.

“What? Are you saying that the baby is your husband, Joe’s? How is that possible?” Mama asked in bewilderment.

“The doctor had said it was close to impossible, but not completely impossible. I guess God’s blessing always comes at a time when you least suspect it, and at a time when you need it the most. I began to have an inkling of my pregnant state when we reached the mountains. As for Prophet Moses, he is just a friend. He understands my vulnerability and respects my love for Joe. He’s like a sounding board for me because he has had similar experience in the past. But Mama, I have just discovered that Joe does not deserve my love. He did not give me a chance to explain myself. He started to insinuate the minute he walked into the house. He didn’t look like he cared about me. This baby is my savior, Mama. With him or her at my side, I can go on happily with my life and provide for us both. As for love, time will tell. Time will test our love. I will tell Joe when the time is right, but not right away. I need to get back on my feet first. If our relationship is meant to be, it will happen again, Mama,” I explained to Mama. “I place my trust in God,” I added.

“Oh, my baby, you have matured and are beginning to think responsibly. Remember, I will always be with you. As I see it, Joe still cares for you but he is a man after all. Men never want to lose face. As you have said, time will tell. I will be the best grandmama to this precious little bundle, love. It’s time to celebrate and leave the worries for tomorrow,” Mama exclaimed. She was thrilled at the prospect and extremely happy for me.

Finally, I can see my life starting to bloom again. I’m living not only for myself, but my precious baby as well. Life has a new beginning at every turn.

Good work and nic post.

very cool I like your approach


Thanks for this opportunity.. @adsactly

Good story
Thanks for sharing

Its a very nice post.Ialways follow your post it gives me some nice feelings althe time.Thank's a lot to you.@upvoted

i agree with you.

This is the great post, i appreciate this writing..... best of luck dear....

Wow....excellent post, very beautiful writing, thanks for sharing

Wow... Worth it to read... Thanks for sharing..

Whatever you write i always read that.Your writing is superb i like it very much looking for more.@upvoted

Interesting story, this made my day. Thank for all the time you take in writing this and thanks for sharing this to us.

Excellent writing skill. I like this. Thanks for sharing such a good post.

I wish to partake in this but i have no fingers are crossed.

Contest is very nice good.

He read a verse of the Bible to me which says, "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice."

that was my favorite part

This is great wish Happy to be part of this great community

Nice post

Yep sir

This post is so amazing sir ...........................@upvoted............................

Thnx for the brialliant post

useful sharing

great post dear.thanks for sharing.i like your writing.
please keep on your activity...

Wonderful post buddy keep it up :)


wtf did I read? I'm so confused someone explain this too me please! XD

Interesting stories :) good ideea with this stories I was read all of them :)

a very helpful post.please help me be like you

please how can i join a chat group(s)?

Very amazing information . Thanks for sharing .

the combination of writers makes this content quite rich. wish i can be a writer like you guys. beautiful story though. thanks.

It took me some time reading this sha...ride on

good post
I like your posts
very useful when I read your Post

@adsactly... Do you do ADS...

such an amazing post

Thank you for always giving us ur precious time to educate us on steemit. @adsactly

There are 2 pages