It has not happened to you that there are days where you feel that everything bothers you?, That you feel vulnerable to everything that happens around you? You end up infecting everyone around you with negative energies or doing things that you later regret.
At present, our lives are developing at an accelerated pace, causing a state of routine in us, where everything is done by inertia, without thinking about what we really want. Therefore when to feel dissatisfied with what we do we lose patience in a matter of seconds.

Patience, as an important value.
Patience is what gives us calm as human beings, helps us to tolerate, understand and endure any adversity with strength, and not to act irrationally.
When you are in a difficult situation, and you do not have your patience worked, it can happen that you end up screaming, feeling bad and making the people around you feel bad, in many cases being your own family and co-workers.
For this reason we must try not to lose patience when we face a difficult situation, because after everything happens, there is only sadness in everyone's heart and it is time to learn to ask for forgiveness. We must know how to keep calm in order to solve all the negative in a positive way and with the best possible attitude.

What do we gain when we are patient?
When people learn to be patient, you maintain a better social relationship and person, with your partner, children, family, friends and acquaintances. He also understands better the nature of everything that happens to him, creating peace and harmony around him, that is, he is capable of facing all the setbacks while preserving calm and inner balance.
But it is important to emphasize that having patience does not mean that you have to be a person, quiet, unable to make decisions on your own, it is not about creating a person dependent on others, but about being a person with the ability to face difficult situations with serenity, in order to obtain the best results.

Tip: Nowadays, where we live saturated with news on social networks, and surrounded by people who do not think about collective well-being, we must be attentive and prepared to face situations that wish to destabilize us or that. Not to be easy to face, but it is when we must raise the face and look for solutions.
Having patience is not about sitting down and waiting for everything to happen, but about knowing how to face a situation, strengthening yourself and learning from each experience.

"Losing patience is losing the battle"
Mahatma Gandhi
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I am always on perfecting my patience and some days I do not do well.