So true.
I believe in the immensity of the unknown.
There is immense that is unknown, I believe Aliens do exist and they are here on earth somewhere. They visit earth time to time. Maybe we do not know where and when, or maybe the government knows of the weird stuff and hides it. Zombie exists too, not that the virus will spread like in movies but they do exist. And there is so much we don't know from what goes on in a human mind to what I am actually thinking right now.
When you say this:
The second is the cynical view. It may be true that some people who believe themselves to see the future are delusional, and that some are charlatans claiming to be true believers. However, the knowledge that this is a possibility should not be transferred into an absolute, and delusions are only delusional if evidence exists to the contrary; it is possible that someone believes themselves to have seen the future but has no evidence to the contrary and therefore is perfectly logical in their beliefs, which doesn't meet the standards for a delusion. In our enlightenment we would frown on this, but I still think that it's possible.
Has it ever happened to you - You are somewhere doing something and you feel you have seen this moment before, like this moment has came to your brain before it happened?
It happens with me and with some people I know.
I believe the universe exists inside me. From where I sit right now, infinity extends in all the directions, therefore I am the source of everything I see. From where you sit, infinity extends in all directions as well. I have a alive ball inside me which I call universe - in it exists past, present and future all together. There are a pictures that I have seen and I know will come true in future.
I have a picture in my head where I am standing there and my father is there clicking a photograph but I could not see my mother in it. So not sure where she is that time in future. Scares me a little.
But it happens I see flashes and then they do come true in future.
I tend to be skeptical about any particular interpretation of the unknown. Just because I can't see something is neither proof nor disproof of its existence, but the important thing is acknowledging that there are limits to what we can know.
I've had feelings of deja vu in many occasions. There are times when I can't tell whether or not it's really based on anything, and other times when there are moments where there definitely is some intense connection between prior perception and the current.
My personal theory is that the nature of consciousness includes elements that lie outside the physical world we can perceive. It makes sense given what we know about the cosmos that a system within a system cannot represent that system perfectly, but only through simplification and abstraction. What the nature of this intangible element is falls outside my knowledge, and I don't know that I'm within my rights to guess at it.