This hits way too close to home, just reading it makes me anxious, and it is not all males! Things like, "you are just a hysterical femaIe on your period" (from a man) to "you cannot be allergic to lettuce, it is only water" (from a female)!
I have to do a walk in on Monday and am dreading it... allergic reaction. Sadly, previous visits to doctors such as this, small town no where else to go and no choices, I have developed severe white coat syndrome which freaks everyone out which freaks me out more. Sadly, it also keeps me from doing annual check ups.
Small towns dont seem to attract good doctors do they? Or perhaps it's that we have less choice... Totally acknowledge my generalisation, just in my experience woman are more empathetic and less patronising. Sorry to hear about your allergic reaction. What was it to?
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No, you are correct, women generally are and they listen more,I just wanted to point out that there are some who are not and sadly, I have been on that side too.
Not sure, but I think my allergy is related to leggings on my bare skin and body heat... I have broken out in a rash from waste to feet 🙁 I am allergic to latex so not sure if the spandex had something in common with that; could be the chemIcals used in the process. I have only worn them a few times and usually in winter with “johns” underneath, this time it was direct to the skin.... looks like I have a very nasty sunburn and it doesn't seem to be subsiding... started last Tuesday and I only had them on for an hour or two, I was heated up doing housework.
Oh no!!!! Throw them out for sure. Poor you. Hope it subsides soon.. sounds rotten!!!
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