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RE: Two Health Professionals, Two Experiences: Why I'm Angry at Mainstream Doctors, And Advocating for Naturopaths.

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

No, you are correct, women generally are and they listen more,I just wanted to point out that there are some who are not and sadly, I have been on that side too.

Not sure, but I think my allergy is related to leggings on my bare skin and body heat... I have broken out in a rash from waste to feet 🙁 I am allergic to latex so not sure if the spandex had something in common with that; could be the chemIcals used in the process. I have only worn them a few times and usually in winter with “johns” underneath, this time it was direct to the skin.... looks like I have a very nasty sunburn and it doesn't seem to be subsiding... started last Tuesday and I only had them on for an hour or two, I was heated up doing housework.


Oh no!!!! Throw them out for sure. Poor you. Hope it subsides soon.. sounds rotten!!!

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