The Trick About Strobist Photography

in #steempress7 years ago (edited)

Greating Steemian.

Today I would like to share about Strobist Photography.

Photography is 90 percent and 10 percent light objects. To create the best results possible when shooting, you have to have general knowledge about light before investigating equipment, charts and other fundamental aspects. Before I start discussing about photo strobist, you should know the kinds of light like natural light, overhead light, window light, golden hour, artificial light, flash and strobe lighting.

In the photograph the strobist photography, also need to know about the temperature of the light.

Match flame 1700 – 1800K
Candle flame 1850 – 1930K
Sun (at sunrise or sunset) 2000 – 3000 k
Household tungsten bulbs 2500 – 2900K
Tungsten lamp (500W – 1000W) 3000 k
Quartz lights 3200 – 3500K
Fluorescent lights 3200 – 7500K
direct sun at noon 5000 – 5400K
Daylight 5500 – 6500K
Overcast sky 6000 – 7500K
Computer monitor 6500K
Pool shade 7000 – 8000K
Mostly overcast sky 8000 – 10, 000 k

By knowing the temperature of the light, you will make a perfect photo.

This is the sample of Strobist photography that I took before.

Reference from Amherst media - Master Lighting Guide for Commercial Photographers

I took that photo using Ranger Quadra Strobe Lighting for Mainlight and Sun for Fill light

Fotografi adalah 90 persen cahaya dan 10 persen objek. Untuk menciptakan hasil yang terbaik, mungkin ketika memotret anda harus memiliki pengetahuan umum tentang cahaya sebelum menyelidiki peralatan, diagram dan aspek-aspek mendasar lainnya. Sebelum saya memulai membahas tentang foto strobist, sebaiknya anda tau jenis-jenis cahaya seperti natural light, overhead light, window light, golden hour, artificial light, flash dan strobe lighting.

Dalam memotret strobist photography, perlu juga anda ketahui tentang temperatur cahaya.

Match flame 1700 – 1800K
Candle flame 1850 – 1930K
Sun (at sunrise or sunset) 2000 – 3000 k
Household tungsten bulbs 2500 – 2900K
Tungsten lamp (500W – 1000W) 3000 k
Quartz lights 3200 – 3500K
Fluorescent lights 3200 – 7500K
direct sun at noon 5000 – 5400K
Daylight 5500 – 6500K
Overcast sky 6000 – 7500K
Computer monitor 6500K
Pool shade 7000 – 8000K
Mostly overcast sky 8000 – 10, 000 k

Dengan mengetahui temperatur cahaya, anda akan menghasilkan foto yang sempurna.


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