The first years of life are decisive in the development of a person and the formation of his character. The family is fundamental in the growth process of children, it depends on the rest of their days have a balanced and full emotional life, it is the family that can help the child to overcome the crises that may go through.
A dysfunctional family can condition the child's life and personality, not only as a child but also as an adult. A child who grows up with an abusive, conflictive type of family will surely adapt to these behaviors by seeing it as normal when it is not.
Although it seems very common and normal, the reality is that a dysfunctional family leaves consequences that in some cases are irreversible.
Dysfunctional family.-

It is a family that does not work as it should be, it does not have the capacity to offer the children a mental and emotional stability in their growth, due to the permanent presence of conflicts and discussions among the members.
1- Abusive behavior and the refusal to recognize it: It consists of intrafamily violence. The father or mother exercises total domination in the family and the members are subject to that yoke, there is physical and sexual abuse and the children consider this behavior as normal.
2- Lack of communication, understanding, sensitivity and empathy among family members: Because of the dissatisfaction of the basic needs of affection and tolerance, many children are rejected and treated unfairly.
3- Gender prejudices: The man or the men of the home believe that a woman only serves to attend to household chores and children. There are also parents who have a preference for children of one gender, denying affection and education to the child of a gender contrary to their preference.
4- Conflicts: permanent conflicts and discussions between parents, whether they are separated or have to separate but remain together, focusing only on their problems and neglecting the attention and love that the child requires.
5- Absence of parents due to overwork.
6- Children saturated by excess responsibilities imposed by their parents, such as caring for younger siblings even when they are small
7- The family does not share moments together, everyone is immersed in their own affairs.
8- There are jealousies, humiliation, reproaches, among the members of the family and disrespect is allowed.
This type of family is given for many reasons but the most common are the following causes:
Addictions such as alcoholism, drugs, cigarettes, etc.
Lack of security, distrust.
Early start of sexual life.
Consequences of a dysfunctional family in children

1- Low self-esteem, shyness, repress their emotions and feelings, they can become victims of bullying.
2- Rebellion, oppose the authority of others, whether parents, teachers, etc.
3 - Feeling guilty of family conflicts, develop feelings of guilt and may be victims of others.
4- They become opportunists, taking advantage of the goodwill of others.
5- They assume the responsibilities of the parents, hastening their growth when they are still in childhood.
Despite the consequences and consequences of a dysfunctional family, it is worth noting that children do not always take a bad path or are affected by this family condition. In the course of my life I have seen children who have grown up in an optimal and functional family environment and in their adulthood they behave as if they had grown up in a dysfunctional family, and I have seen other children who have grown up in a lousy family environment and Nowadays they are quality people, an example to follow. In short, each person has their future in their hands and what they want to be, all adversities can be overcome, we are the ones who choose which path to follow, and who we want to be.
Thanks for reading, see you soon!
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I hope children will not face the situation but it is very true what you said. Parents must be careful and support their children together. I am not sure what the rate of dysfunctional family in developing countries and developed countries. It is really a big issue as kids first school is their home and the first teachers are parents.
He is like that, the first teachers are the parents, sometimes the adults are selfish, they only think about them and forget the feelings of the child.