In this article, I discuss the NOIA Network and their solution to making the internet quicker, more efficient, and giving users an opportunity to earn a passive income through the use of their idle computing resources.
NOIA have already launched their testnet, and are inviting anyone interested in their solution and project to create an account and to start contributing your idle computing resources to the testnet.
I'll discuss the benefits of contributing your computing resources to the NOIA Network during this article.
Our internet speeds could be a lot better
In a world where our advances in technology are rapidly progressing, our global internet infrastructure is largely fragmented and often lacks integrity.
Our internet speeds vary drastically across the globe, and some developed nations actually have internet speeds that are slower than some developing nations.
And these greatly differing internet speeds are largely the reasons as to why data transfers between distant locations can be incredibly slow and inefficient. To many, these problems don't seem like a significant issue. But for website operators who want to deliver content to global audiences, varying internet speeds can be a significant issue. Especially where that content is resource intensive, such as video and live streaming content, which is becoming more and more common in these modern times.
Content Delivery Networks
Content delivery networks (CDNs) were created to help alleviate these data transfer problems.
"CDN providers maintain globally distributed, strategically placed Points of Presence (POP) or Data Centres, that are used to cache content locally and deliver it based on the geographical proximity of a request." SourceCDNs effectively allow for resource intensive content to be loaded quickly, regardless of the geographical location of the website visitor. Currently, CDNs form the backbone of the internet and are responsible for the majority of the content distributed globally today.
This presents an interesting problem however. The global internet infrastructure is not developing fast enough to manage the ever growing demand.
Video content creation, online gaming, Virtual Reality technologies, and streaming of video and gaming content are growing at fantastic rates and shows no sign of slowing down. So it's plainly obvious that our rate of infrastructure development will be hard pressed to keep up with the continually growing demand for our ever more resource intensive content preferences.

There's also a few problems with relying solely on CDN infrastructure for content distribution:
- CDNs are highly centralised - therefore open for control and manipulation.
- Where their distribution is limited, their benefits for content delivery is limited.
- The current CDN market is dominated by Akamai and Amazon. Therefore the cost to access these services is decided by only 2 key players in the market.
- The infrastructure required, using current technologies, to improve the distribution of bandwidth intensive content worldwide is incredibly expensive. This will likely slow technological developments in this area greatly unless an innovative solution is developed.
The NOIA Solution
When looking at the problem described above, the team behind the NOIA Network recognised that the available bandwidth capacities per household continue to increase rapidly, creating a large volume of idle bandwidth across the globe.
This idle bandwidth presents a fantastic opportunity to address the shortfall in available bandwidth globally, and the high level of centralisation in current networks.
Every computer that is connected to the internet already forms the backbone of the internet, however these computers typically only consume data, rather than streaming data to other users.
As stated in the NOIA white paper:
"By connecting thousands of participants willing to share the idle resources of their personal computers, we can create a sharing economy of data transfer - one that is virtually limitless in terms of scale."Everyone choosing to participate in the network will pool the unused bandwidth and storage of their computers, creating a highly decentralised and ever scalable network of nodes that are capable of delivering bandwidth intensive content across the globe in a highly efficient manner.
A decentralised network provides a wide range of benefits to the consumer, including:
- A greater level of security, with no central organisation controlling the Network.
- Highly efficient and cost effective, with no central entity controlling the network there are no overheads to pay. In addition, the more nodes on the network and more distributed their locations, the lower the energy costs will be to transmit bandwidth intensive data.
- Utilising technology such as this brings with it increased opportunities for innovation, such as other decentralised services, the further development and utilisation of artificial intelligence technologies, and hosting platforms.

The NOIA Technology Stack
The Architechture
The NOIA Network is comprised of two separate structural elements that will define the network and its features:
- Content Scaling Layer (CSL)
- Which will include peer to peer file sharing protocols, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology that will determine how content will be delivered throughout the network.
- Governance Layer
- Which is a set of smart contracts located on the Ethereum blockchain which define what NOIA tokens are and how they are transferred between nodes.
Who are NOIA?
"NOIA is the next-generation content scaling network, powered by blockchain technology. It utilizes unused bandwidth from computers around the world to create a widely distributed, efficient and integral layer of internet infrastructure for global content delivery. NOIA is designed to serve as a bandwidth optimization mechanism for every type of web content and provide a significantly more effective and decentralized delivery method across the internet." Source
NOIA will use next-generation peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing protocols, artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology to combine hundreds of thousands of computers to serve as nodes in one single “intranet” and provide an opportunity to every web content provider in the world to use this “intranet” to deliver their content across the globe.
NOIA’s aim is to become a fully self-sustained and decentralised network of hundreds of thousands of nodes that pool together to share their resources, These nodes will be governed by the rules in smart contracts and operated with NOIA tokens. The nodes within this network will serve as a never before seen infrastructure layer that will provide the fastest, most optimised and cost-efficient content delivery system on the internet.
The Team
Founders and Business Team
Tech Advisors
The Roadmap

The Testnet for the NOIA network has already been released. What this means is that NOIA are inviting you to create an account and start using the network, whether that be through providing your computing resources to the network or via the purchase of resourcing power for your project.
Why share your computers bandwidth and storage capacity?
Users who choose to share their computer's idle bandwidth and storage will be rewarded for doing so in the form of NOIA tokens. They can then use these tokens to either purchase services through the NOIA network, hold them with the view of accumulating wealth, or convert them to their currency of choice.
The NOIA Token Economy
The NOIA token is the only currency used within the NOIA network. Therefore, people wanting to purchase services within the NOIA network will purchase these services using the NOIA token. According to the white paper, one token purchases the equivalent of 5 GB of data transfer however this amount is likely to be different today as the value of the token is not pegged.
Typically, current content delivery service providers charge around US $0.08 cents per 1 GB of data transfer. NOIA expects that, using their network, 1 GB would cost roughly US $0.01 cents which makes the NOIA Network substantially cheaper than current providers.
Why use the NOIA network to distribute content?
Using the NOIA network will be much more cost effective in comparison to utilising CDN networks. In addition to this, with the ever expanding distribution of nodes on the network, there will be a much greater efficiency in the distribution of content.
The high level of efficiency gained on this network is thanks to blockchain technology, which has the capability to be autonomous and is highly scalable.
"A Smart Contracts layer within NOIA’s network governs all relationships between the different actors in the network by providing a framework for the creation and flow of value within it." Source
Using the NOIA Network to create a passive income stream
If you're like me, then you'll really be wanting to know about the potential to create a passive income stream by contributing computing resources to the NOIA Network.
This passive income stream will be created by setting up your own node, or series of nodes.
The NOIA white paper describes nodes as being:
"Nodes will be comprised of either previously idle home networked computer (which had been a net cost to their owners), and dedicated network endpoints expressly purchased for the purpose of earning NOIA Tokens."The free market will determine how much each node will earn, particularly due to the variability in the amount of resources each node contributes to the market, however NOIA believes that the median payout per node will be in the vicinity of US $50 per month.

Use of Nodes and Smart Contracts on the Network
- Amount of storage contributed to the network
- The bandwidth utilisation (the rate at which a node is serving content)
- The uptime factor (how much time is the node available/ accessible on the network)
My personal opinion is that the earning potential of the NOIA network is well worth testing. And I'm currently in the process of setting up an account on the NOIA Testnet. If you have a computer available that you can leave running for 72 hours per week or longer, then I encourage you to start contributing to the testnet to determine the level of passive income that you can earn from the NOIA network.
It's a win-win for everyone
Using the NOIA Network is a win-win for both the users who provide bandwidth and storage to the network and for those who choose to distribute their content via this network. Users who provide their bandwidth and storage are rewarded via payment in NOIA tokens while those distributing content via the network are rewarded by a highly efficient network and a highly cost effective network for content distribution.
The NOIA Testnet is live! And I encourage you to get involved and try it out. Personally, I'll have my own node set up very soon. I'm very eager to see how many tokens my little computer can generate for me.
So set up your own node and let me know how it goes for you. I'll report back to let you know how my own node performs over the coming weeks.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :
Great job, this very useful information. NOIA is best solution for internet user problem
interesting post thanks @crypto.piotr for the memo to here. thanks again =]
Hey Gentleman! Someone is downvoting me with his defense league without any known reason.
Similar that happened with you.
What did you do then??
I am much tensed.
I am a poor person still I am getting in their heart list.
unfortunately i do not know of anything to stop if. But please let me do if you find something. I commented a bunch of times asking why and it seemed to stop however i do not post much anymore. good luck keep steeming!!! =]
Very well structured and written article, that provides an in-depth understanding of the tech. One factor that is critical for success is that content needs to be distributed to the right places at the right time, this is obviously handled by the ai, here I would like to get a better understanding how this ai operates etc...
Thanks mate, the AI side of things is definitely interesting and not something that I know a lot about yet. There are some AI experts on Steemit though, so hopefully one of them stumbles across this post. :)
That is right! I totally agree.
"Very well structured and written article, that provides an in-depth understanding of the tech. One factor that is critical for success is that content needs to be distributed to the right places at the right time, this is obviously handled by the AI"
Actually, the last review about this NOIA I read didn't give details on how the public can participate or join in but there is so much details in this review.
I find your post very simple and easy for just anyone to understand what NOIA is about to provide.
This is a great work, upvoted and resteemed!
Thanks mate. Hope you're planning on setting up a node. :)
Agreed @ajongcrypto,
This is indeed a comprehensive review and explains stuff a lot especially how to participate.
I actually like the idea, and suspect that the internet in my head-universe works something like that. Opened whitepaper in new tab to have a read and I'll think about doing a node later (possibly sometime after I have adult backup, it's one of those days x_x).
there is an edit because for whatever reason steempeak decided to just send part of the comment o_O
Awesome, I like the fact that I don’t need to buy a tonne of coins to set up a node before getting involved. I need to set mine up as well. I have the software downloaded on my computer already.
I like low/no barriers to entry too XD
So skimming through the whitepaper, think currently my only points of concern are Ethereum (and that's mostly from Akasha being kind of slow) and KYC (I loathe this shit seriously, I was literally this close to bailing on steem and all they wanted was a mobile number). I'll see how I go with the node setup but if they refuse to operate without KYC then I'm bailing :<
lol I'm not a fan of KYC either. I did it for this project, but only because I'm a huge fan of what they want to achieve.
Got the worker node running! It's pretty XD Now I'll just leave it there and see if anything happens. Hopefully the KYC stuff is just needed to buy the tokens and if they desperately need it for the airdrop well I don't care enough about the airdrop XD
Brilliant! Can't wait to see how it goes for you. :)
I like the idea of what they're doing too (quite a lot actually) but still not enough to hand over...well...any information I don't feel like giving out never mind that much XD
There was a bit of stuffing around with the port forwarding due to how our network is set up and I'm running it from terminal so I can see what it's doing, not much happening at the moment but at least it seems to be making connections now.
I'll try to remember to let you know how it's gone after it's been running for an appreciable period, but I'll probably forget XD
I'm going to have to hit you up about how you did the port forwarding. That's the roadblock I've hit. Not sure how to do it.
Haha.. which cartoon movie is that from? Bambi? Been a while since I've seen the scene.
Bambi is a deer, this one is a goat (an upgoat to be precise XD), but now that you mention it I know exactly which scene you're talking about, though for the life of me I couldn't find either a video clip or a picture of it XD
The mood of mine is probably more The Lion King which had a similar scene except tallest to smallest, whereas in Bambi I tihnk it was Bambi first and his two friends in the order he met them, and TLK had the jaunty cheerful atmosphere whereas in Bambi they were being arrogant and determined not to fall in love and act all silly like the other animals were doing.
But seriously until you mentioned it I didn't even think about that XD
Awesome awesome
Alright all ride :)
Very much hope to see more of your stuff.
Wow @mazzle. I have already read a few NOIA reviews, but thanks to people like you it is always really pleasant, as I can learn something new and innovative.
Wow, I was not aware that average payout will be so high. It is really great opportunity to have some passive income (and spend it for more Steem Power haha). You gave me new motivation to set up my own node and start earning tokens.
Greetings, Jan
That's awesome mate, glad to see you get on board with this project. :)
So, we can now create nodes without having to spend so much, and still earn from the number of nodes created
This is a nice review made @mazzle ThanKs to #NOIA
You can create a node for free and start earning right away, which is truly awesome. I'm glad you liked my review.
NOIA is doing immensely. I understand the ordeals I technically face to do live streaming chat because of slow or poor network services and all that around here and here is the way out in the hands of NOIA. Cannot wait to get the software on my system once it is repaired.Another wonderful one from you @mazzle. You indeed have impressed me again. I have never regretted ckecking you out once.
Brava bro!
Thanks to @crypto.poitr for the recommendation. It is worth it. @jode hikss
Jump on in and get involved in the network mate. :)
Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment.
Smiling, alright brother...😊
@mazzle I am following NOIA network from the last 2 weeks & there is no doubt that it's great project to help people with Internet speed and cost. Also there is no doubt that you made every point clear in simple language so even the non tech guy can understand what is NOIA and how it will be beneficial to all. So great job my friend @mazzle.
I am going to try it right away. $50 for 1 node, let me think how many I am going to create 😉
Totally agree with you my friend. It's win-win for all.Then I think we should join it right away. As early adopter always wins more 🙂
Thanks again for such a great article and information.
Thanks mate, I think being a non-tech person helps me write for a non-tech oriented audience. :)
Definitely jump in and set up a node mate. You're quite right that being an early adopter will reap the rewards. I'm planning on running multiple nodes personally and am currently looking into whether or not a VPS could be a cost effective way of running multiple nodes.
So many possibilities!
Seriously friend @mazzle ? I think no one will believe that you are non-tech guy after reading this article.
Great job my friend.
Haha I've spent many hours learning about blockchain and other tech stuff since joining Steemit late last year. :)
I still consider myself a novice though.
Great my friend @mazzle. Never stop learning.
In this great ocean of BlockChain mostly people are "Beginners" I think. Because there is so many things to learn and new things adding every second there :)
Yes you are right @flash07. It's hard to believe that non-tech guy can write such a great article. Very well done job sir @mazzle.
As I said my friend @mazzle., it's hard to believe & @techbuzz07 just proved my point :) It means only one thing that you have done pretty great job.
Include me to too, I am thinking the same . :)
Passive Income is really effective and that is because, many hold the Idle Computers and now they can get an opportunity of Passive Income.@mazzle, For sure i want to say that, the idea of
And yes Internet Connection is diversified aspect and every Country hold the different range of internal connections and sometimes users have to pay more but they didn't get the expected Internet Speed.
And in my opinion NOIAis sounding effective initiative and Technology and let's hope that it will bring the Practical Solutions and will boost the Internet World.
NOIA review and hope that this will bring the effective results. Keep up and enjoy your amazing work.@crypto.piotr, In my opinion this is one of the effective
Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂
Thanks for your kind words @chireerocks. I'm all about passive income, it's an area of crypto that I think can bring real wealth. :)
Welcome and good luck. 🙂
Nice review and straight to the point with easy to understand points. I really enjoyed your review and I must say that this is one of the most understandable I've read. Maybe I should lend my computing power to NOIA cos I have lots of computing free space. Thanks @mazzle for this idea.
Definitely create an account and set up a node mate.
I'm glad you found my review easy to understand. I tend to learn about stuff by writing about it which tends to end up being an extensive write up... :P
Lunching their testnet is a very great step and will bring great benefits to both the team and the users.Very great post @mazzle and i will say NOIA always amazes me, and their project is very fast,
Very nice to get paid, but what's the value of this tokens, since their lunching a testnet is the token value test too?
Is the above statement "to create and account" or an account?
I always look forward to your post @mazzle thats for the enlightenment cheer @ogt
The value of the token is yet to be determined by the market. But it won’t be a fixed price.
That’s meant to be “to create an account”. Will fix the typo now.
Allow me to share inspiration from the following section of your article:
Creativity and CultureWe live in an information age that excludes many independent minds, perspectives, and perceptions. NOIA's approach decentralizes the narrow opinions of our current digital infrastructure and allows for, not just small voices to become louder, but for all the world to have access.
If it achieves even a small bit of idealism, how can any one complain about such a system?
There will always be fearful minds that only want fans who approve of everything they do and say, but such a lack of opinion is a cancer to the physiology of the human brain.
We (with NOIA) are working with more than profit toward a literate and fully contributory world society. The only way to truly achieve this is through independent thought. NOIA supports this in practice and reward.
Any ideas about how NOIA's success would specifically change the way we use the Internet in 5, 10 years?
Thanks for the comment. It’s anyone’s guess where NOIA will be in 5 to 10 years but if they achieve a high level of support I suspect they’ll be doing very well. The project is ambitious but there’s already some decent support. Plus it’s not often you see such an extensive team involved in a project.
indeed, the team is amazing
very interesting article. Actually, I came across a few projects that plan to use the unused computing power of the public. The idea is great and once implemented there will be a huge market for this. The concept of giving passive income is also great. Thanks for sharing !!!
Welcome mate, I've actually come across 3 projects doing similar things to this one so far. This is the one that I prefer of the 3.
I love the opportunity that NOIA will offer us to have passive income, this can be a very good opportunity to improve financially in my country, since the services are cheap and the income that NOIA would give us would be almost complete, it is the perfect combination , while we contribute with the new technologies so that our world stops being a centralized world, we gain money passively
Absolutely mate. Get involved in the Testnet. :)
Vote and resteem this post@crypto.piotr recommended to visit and it is very interesting
Thanks mate. :)
Muy interesante su publicación amigo, de seguro lo estaré leyendo mas seguido, cuente con mi apoyo en su proyecto. Siempre adelante en positivo y ascendente. Saludos.
Why thank you.
Your article is very informative. I often wondered what CDN was - I see it in the image links when I upload images to steemit. Is that the same thing? The article is very technical; I will bookmark this and share it after reading in detail over this weekend.
Thanks to @crypto.piotr for directing me here - this blog is resourceful
I imagine Steemit are using a CDN for image storage and distribution. I'm not certain though.
Thanks for your comment. :)
The project on they're working is very important, I hope so they will get more support in future and will touch the moon:)
I'm sure they'll get a tonne of support. :)
Wow nice information..
and dear @mazzle today i post my indian stock market nifty index prediction perfectly hit my target with my old post proof i am so happy... 😂🤗😂
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@mazzle, I'm waiting for the continuation of the topic
Ok then.
$50 per month?!
Wohooo! My node must be up and running in no time. Yeeeeehaaaaaa!!
At the median income point. Imagine running 20 or so nodes. That would be my plan. :)
I like this post. I found a good explanation.
Posted using Partiko Android
OK then.
Thank you for your report @mazzle. The sky is the limit.
Indeed it is. :)
This post has received a 23.21 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @crypto.piotr.
Impressive idea, keep up the good work :)
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This post has received a 15.4 % upvote from @boomerang.
amazing, i like about your information. thanks you
Thanks buddy.
Looks like an awesome project man. I'm pretty keen to get involved and create a node!
Do it! Set up a node. :)
Very good project. Looking forward to seeing how this progresses.
My eyes are firmly on this projects progress. :)
We see this is a wonderful post.
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great tech info shared. NOIA no doubt will be revolution. its a great project. Looking forward more of it. let see how it goes ahead.
For sure, I'm keen to see what happens with the project. If you can, set up a node and see how it goes for you.
A pretty comprehensive review of NOIA and the opportunity it provides both users and those who want to support the network. While its all fine to speak about the tech to recruit investors and those wanting to support it via nodes if no one wants to host their content on this platform its going to be DOA.
Azure, Goolge Cloud and AWS have had massive drives spending millions of dollars to drive education and adoption of cloud services for big businesses and thats where it really is needed at the moment. If NOIA thinks people are going to jump on board based on cheaper or faster and ditch the safety and fimiliarity that big brands offer they will surely be mistaken.
Its going to take a monumental marketing, branding and direct sales inititive to get this project off the ground and thats where I think its going to either suceed or fail.
You're spot on mate, I imagine word of mouth will help out a lot. And a strong community to support the project. We'll see how big this project can get. :)
Really amazing project. I cant wait to see this kind of project take full force. The ISP industry in most developing countries deserves an urgent facelift. So if this project executes as planned, the benefits will be far reaching.
For example, in developing countries, the internet speed is terribly slow and subscription is quite expensive.
Interestingly, 3 days ago i decided to find out the internet speed in every country. I did a contest to that effect. I will like to show you the result so far which supports the idea that projects like this are long overdue:
Nice one mate. :)
Thanks friend. @crypto.piotr sent in a memo with 0.003steem to tell me about this review. He is doing terrific publicity for cyrpto review writers like you. Nice of him too.
It sure is. He's a good guy. :)
Really extensive and interesting writing @mazzle, I think the idea behind NOIA is indeed a good one, I hope they are able to eventually achieve their goals and improve how we interact with the internet.
Cheers mate.
Welcome buddy, glad you liked the write up. This is a great project. I've been watching them for a while.
Congratulations. This is a very good written article and well structured.
As you say: "It's a win-win for everyone". Definitely NOIA is offering a very interesting platform that will not only improve access to web content from even those places where the internet is scarce (like mine); but also avoid bottlenecks in crowded sites encouraging more users participate with the profits offered by its application.
Thanks for making this article @mazzle. It just complemented where I have lag behind. Nice one mate. Lets together make a faster internet access. Thanks to NOIA network.
Please do not forget to join the Testnet.
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following categories:Congratulations @mazzle!
@mazzle Awesome technology. NOIA is not coming with unique technology and solution but with that they made sure that their user earn rewards from it. This is really great opportunity. I am going to join NOIA for sure. Thank You for such a great article..
Quite an interesting and informative review @mazzle . What has been your experience regarding the testnet ? Still yet to check it out !. Finally, I can feel like I can do my own bit towards improving internet speed lool . NOIA is definitely the solution :)
@mazzle you did a great job explaining the process to a layperson. Noia should hire you.
Dear @mazzle moving from the centralized cdn model to decentralized NOIA certainly has its benefits both in terms of higher speed and lower cost.Plus giving people the opportunity. to earn
For sure mate. :)
NOIA has kind of captured the imagination of many especially in my office where I showed them NOIA's website. Isn't it great that suddenly the IT department of companies are taking stock?
I think that is the beauty of the thing. We really don't know who can end up contributing as much as earning from it. It is a good proposition, of course, the idea of passive income is neat. Also, I won't be surprised if Amazon or Akamai would be gunning to takeover NOIA. After all, it is a strong proposition!
Haha the likes of Amazon would be quite threatened by a concept like this and, in time, will probably have to adopt a similar approach in order to stay competitive. :)
Wow.. This is a great job you did by sharing this wonderful information. NOIA will be a great solution to internet problems. @mazzle i await the conclusion of this work.
Thanks buddy
Good and promising project with its benefits far outweighs it's name.
Oh tremendous information, I didn't know it! what a good layout, very organized your content. Greetings from VENEZUELA!!!
Is this a contest? I want to enter.... I need money too...I live in Venezuela... :-(
No, it's not a contest.
Thanks for the recommendation @crypto.piotr