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RE: Travel Inspiration - Excuses Why You Can't Travel

in #steempress6 years ago

What hear from most of my friends is that they need to save for retirement. They believe that when they retire they will have enough saved that they can then go travel without the worry of having enough. The problem with that philosophy is that you never know what is going to happen in life especially when it comes to finances. You can save, save, save only to watch your investments continually lose money and then you never get to travel. I believe travel as much as you can when you are young, save as much as you can a long the way and don't have any regrets later in life when/ if you can make it all happen. Travel now and have the memories when you get older. I have been to 65 countries so far but only 10 states in my home country. When I get old, I will travel more there.


I when you can. Dont wait until you retire. A couple of reasons, Your health may not allow you to. Its hard to travel on a limited retirement income. You may not want to then. Do it while you can and you have an income( sometimes 2) and the energy. I have spent a lot of money in my day on travel, and have not regretted a penny ( I guess in Canada its a nickle) So do it now folks...just do it...

Simple choice, invest on your life/memories/love or invest more in your 401k. There has to be a balance there somewhere but here's one fact that everyone should really take into cosideration (seriously). Money can't buy time. Period.