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RE: Reflections on Aphorisms #34

in #steempress6 years ago

I tend to be skeptical about any particular interpretation of the unknown. Just because I can't see something is neither proof nor disproof of its existence, but the important thing is acknowledging that there are limits to what we can know.

I've had feelings of deja vu in many occasions. There are times when I can't tell whether or not it's really based on anything, and other times when there are moments where there definitely is some intense connection between prior perception and the current.

My personal theory is that the nature of consciousness includes elements that lie outside the physical world we can perceive. It makes sense given what we know about the cosmos that a system within a system cannot represent that system perfectly, but only through simplification and abstraction. What the nature of this intangible element is falls outside my knowledge, and I don't know that I'm within my rights to guess at it.