Mystery to be happy - Inspirational Story

in #steempress5 years ago

Hello friends, I hope you all are good. Friends, you are not alone at a time of trouble, but seeing your family also disturbs your family. So keep on smiling for your family, not for yourself. Let me tell you a short motivational story. With the help of which you can get rid of any problem. "Mystery of Being Happy" - Short Inspirational Story

A man used to work in the city. He lived with his family. He used to go to work every morning as usual and would take home late in the night. One day when he returned home in the evening, his wife saw that her husband stood near the tree outside the house and took out some of his bag and kept hiding there.

His wife did not understand anything. The wife went to the tree after some time and saw it. But there he did not find anything The next day again his wife saw her husband hiding something near the tree. After some time passed, she again went to the tree. But even today she did not find anything there

Now she thought of talking to her husband. She went to her husband and asked - I see you everyday. You hide something near the tree every day after coming from the office. But when I go there. I do not get anything. After hearing this from his wife's mouth, he began to laugh loudly. He told his wife - I do not hide anything there.

Upon hearing this, his wife asked with great surprise - if you do not hide anything there. So what do you do after coming to the office every day? Hearing this, the husband said - I do that job...Because of that, I have a lot of pressure and also a lot of stress.

I have to listen to my boss too. I have to listen to the customers who come to me. So in the evening, when i come home leave all this trouble near that tree and when I go to my office in the morning then I take these with them. I do this, because I do not want my part of these problems become my family too. Hearing this, his wife understood everything.

Friends, I want to tell you this Inspirational story that you should not allow your family to become part of your problems. If you are worried for any reason, leave the problem outside the house before entering the house.

Thank you!

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