IELTS Speaking Part 2 Math lesson or talking about a math skill which you acquired from your primary school. Get band 9.0 by addressing all the criteria. This is one of the recent topics that has appeared in IELTS Speaking exam. Study the sample answers below and check what collocations or topic vocabulary words used in describing the important lesson in math or the skills in math that the speaker discusses.
Describe something important you learned in a math class from your primary school
You should say:
What the skill was
How you learned it
Who taught you
And why it was useful to you
To be honest, I’m not a big fan of Math subject during my school days since I was not intellectually gifted in terms of numbers. I was a student whose interest was focused on art - like that of painting. I remember I always had tough times every time I took major Math exams.
(In this criterion, the examiner will check your ability to use a wide range of vocabulary in expressing your thoughts without using very common words or without repeating the use of the same words over and over again. The use of paraphrasing and collocations is also taken into consideration.)
Not a big fan [expression] - disliking something
Intellectually gifted [expression] - the intellectual ability is higher than average
In terms of [phrase] - with regard to; concerning; related to
Tough times [noun] - hard times
i) Introduction: The speaker did not just say ‘I’d like to talk about…’, instead he started his answer in a creative way by talking about his personality of not liking math. This is a very good way to start a story since the speaker shows his language ability to the examiner.
Well, the only Math lesson which I learned by heart in my elementary days and which I considered as indispensable was arithmetic. As we know, it’s the basic foundation of mathematics - learning addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. I admit that during my first three years in my primary school, mathematics was a piece of cake since I only learned how to calculate small numbers. For me learning arithmetic is essential that every student should spend time learning since it is considered as one of the practical life skills.
By heart [phrase] - to learn something in a way that you can repeat it from your memory
Indispensable [adj.] - important
Arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) [noun] - a branch of mathematics that deals with the manipulation of numbers
-this is considered as a topic vocabulary since the subject is about math; words such as addition, subtraction, and the like are expected to use
A piece of cake [idiom] - very easy
Practical life skills [noun] - skills that are needed in everyday life to survive in the society
i) The speaker uses a transitioning device ‘well’ to smoothly start his storytelling after the introduction.
ii) In this paragraph, the speaker focuses on talking about the subject in math which he considers as important. He gives a narrative here about arithmetic and how it is essential in people’s lives.
Anyway, my arithmetic teacher was very creative in teaching us the subject, I can still remember that we often had activities in which we could have actual experiences to show our skills in numbers. He utilised some realia such as coins, paper money, fruits, and candies in teaching us how to add and subtract numbers. We had some role plays as if we were in a market buying some goods using real money that our teacher had prepared. He let us experience the actual situation in which we could apply our basic skills in math.
Creative [adj.] - the use of original ideas to create something
Utilise [verb] - to use something; make use of something
Realia [noun] - objects or materials that are used in real life used as teaching materials
Role play [noun] - acting out
i) The speaker uses another transitioning device ‘anyway’ to continue developing his story. Transitioning devices are a must to be able to make your story smooth.
ii) In this paragraph, he answers the key question of who taught him about the subject. He uses a certain technique of recollecting the past. Recollection is a very good way to add details of the story.
I found it really helpful since that’s what people encounter in their day to day life. People need to use money to buy something. Because of that lesson and the creativity of my teacher, I gained confidence in understanding the value of money and it became my habit to always check my change after buying something.
i) In this paragraph, he talks about how arithmetic impacted his life. This best answers to the key question, ‘why this lesson important to his life’.
If I could be a teacher of math, I would surely make that subject lovable to all of my students by applying some effective teaching strategies like what my arithmetic teacher did in order for my students to enjoy the subject instead of hating the subject.
i) The speaker uses the conditional tense (If + present + will) in constructing his final word which is very good to make a high point in grammar.
ii) His last sentence talks about his realization on what he can possibly do to make people like math. A very good way to end his story as it acts as conclusive statement.
Do computers help us learn math?
Based on my personal experience yes. Computers help people learn on how to calculate big numbers without them thinking or spending so much time figuring out the answer.
Take for instance the use of Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheet, people can calculate numbers in a fastest way by just inputting numbers and applying formulas. Professionals such as accountants, teachers, businessmen, and many others use those computer programs to perform math functions with their respective jobs to get better and quick results. This has impacted their lives positively.
With the advent of computers, learning math has never had it so good and without computers the ability to learn the subject would be stagnated to traditional learning.
(In this criterion, the examiner will check your ability to use a wide range of vocabulary in expressing your thoughts without using very common words or without repeating the use of the same words over and over again. The use of paraphrasing and collocations is also taken into consideration.)
Calculate [verb] - compute; evaluate
Figure (-ing) out [phrase] - to understand or solve something
Input (-ting) [verb] - putting date into a computer
Impact [verb] - to have an effect on something or someone
With the advent of…[expression] - the coming of
Never had it so good [idiom] - have never before enjoyed success
Stagnate [verb] - stand still; stop developing
Traditional learning [noun] - the old way of learning; the absence of computer
i.) First paragraph: Instead of immediately saying ‘Yes’ as a response to the answer, the speaker uses the expression ‘Based on my experience’ followed by his answer. This is a very a good way to show to the examiner that the speaker is confident in using language as he’s able to relate his experience to answer the question. And in this paragraph, he immediate provides his answer to the question directly.
ii) Second paragraph: The speaker provides his thorough explanation to his answer by citing a specific example that supports his argument. In that case, he achieves ‘Coherence’.
iii) Third paragraph: The speaker ends his answer by providing a summary with his realization on how helpful computer in learning math. By doing that, his answer is properly ended.
Why do you think some people are not good in math?
I believe there are many reasons as to why some people are slow-learners in learning numbers, however, I want to discuss the two major factors.
First, genetics plays a very important role, as we know the characteristics of a child are inherited by both of his parents, when a child’s parents or any of his parents is not skillful in math, then most likely the child will not be good at mathematics as well.
Second, the lack of determination to learn. Some learners easily give up when they encounter some challenges or difficulties in learning math. They think that it is just complicated that there is no any other way for them to learn. If they only strive much harder and see their situation as a challenge in order for them to grow or develop their skills more, then the chance of learning is high. Some learners already give up before trying.
There are more other reasons why some people are bad at math, however, those two are the most common.
Slow-learners [noun] - refers to person whose ability in learning is delayed compared to others
Inherit [verb as used in the answer] - obtain genetically from parents
Lack (of) [noun] - the absence of something
Encounter [verb] - come across; run into; experience
Strive [verb] - try hard
i.) First paragraph: The speaker starts his answer by acknowledging that there are many reasons but he just wants to give emphasis on the important reasons. This is a very good way to organize your introductory part of your discussion. And this will also help you focus on the things that matter most of your answer.
ii) Second & Third Paragraph: The speaker provides his two answers and discuss them one by one in a clearer way and that achieves ‘Coherence’. Also, in the second paragraph he uses the conditional tense (If + present + will) sentence construction. Using advanced sentence construction helps him get a better mark in the criterion, ‘Grammar’.
iii) Fourth paragraph: The speaker recognizes again that there are other reasons but the ones he has mentioned are considered more important among others. A very good way to end his answer properly.
Do you think everyone needs to learn math?
Yes it is a must. Everyone needs to have at least basic knowledge of mathematics in order to have a convenient life in terms of understanding the value of money when spending.
What I mean by that is, if we do not educate ourselves about math we surely have difficulty in our everyday life since everything is associated with math. When we buy something, may it be our needs or wants we spend money. If we are ignorant about the worth of our money then we will not be able to know how much we can buy with the amount of money that we have. If that is the case, we can be deceived easily by others who want to take advantage of our ignorance in terms of calculating or in doing basic math.
I know, a lot of people loathe learning math since it is simply complicated but life is more than complex if one is a complete ignorant with the said subject.
In terms of [phrase] - with regard to; concerning
Associated [verb as used in the answer] - related; linked; connected to
Deceived [verb as used in the answer] - tricked; misled; swindled
Loathe (lohth) [verb] - strong dislike
Ignorant [adj.] - the lack of knowledge
i) First paragraph: The speaker gives a straight ‘yes’ answer to the question and provides his main answer to the question. You don’t always need to paraphrase every question that you get and it is not that really good to always give a direct answer without paraphrasing. In other words, you have to make it balance.
ii) Second paragraph: The speaker provides a thorough explanation of his answer. His way of explaining his answer is more of situational, which is very good because it is organized and easy to understand. The use of conditional tense in his answer helps him get a better mark in
iii) Third paragraph: The speaker ends his answer by being reflective. A very good way to end the answer leaving an important statement worth reflecting for.
And that's it! A math skill or an important lesson that you learned from your primary school is relatively easy to talk or discuss with. It's not as difficult as you think, right? Anyway, learn how to talk the RECENT TOPIC IN PART 1 MORNING ROUTINE on this link
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