Hello and welcome to a new week for the 50-word challenge. This post provides links to the full collection of 50-word stories from last week and highlights a few goodies. You will also find the new prompt for this week.
(Image credit: Original image by pixel2013, Pixabay)
Last week's 50-word stories
I’d like to welcome our newest contributors, @joyyrush, @jasminearch, @thinknzombie, @bex-dk, @jluvs2fly, and @gaming-stuff. Thanks for joining the Fifty Worders!
Last week's prompt was “tear.”
Here is the complete list of stories inspired by the “tear” prompt:
- Sisyphus-Like Malady, by @alexandered
- JOY, by @happyhairdays
- The Offer, by @bex-dk
- Torn, by @jasminearch
- Why Do They Envy Me? by @creatr
- Behind the Sky-Fabrics, by @kaelci
- Why the tears, by @ablaze
- Flames of the Mist, by @ahmadmanga
- Reunion, by @joyyrush
- Tearing at the Pain, by @papacrusher
- Tear, by @theironfelix
- A Silent Tear Drop, by @pyemoney
- Tears, by @thinknzombie
- The Moment He Stops Crying, by @gaming-stuff
- Tear it up Toddler, by @anonymummy
- Tears! by @anonymummy
- Food, by anonymummy
- The Tears of a Clown, by @vdux
- Tears for Fears, by @negativer
- The most beautiful day, by @roxy-cat
- The Tear - An Embarrassing Moment, by @jluvs2fly
- Bully Tears, by @cizzo
- Near, by @blueteddy
- The tear-down, by @jayna
- Anger Management, by @botefarm
Highlights of the week
Each week I highlight a few of the stories from the previous week that are well-written, well-edited and compelling. It's excruciating every time because there are so many! Here are just a few picks from last week.
A Silent Tear Drop, by @pyemoney
The author examines how even in an extreme moment, childhood lessons about tears are at play.
Rod’s heart pounded rapidly as he counted to ten. He couldn’t breathe.
His emotions swelled inside … mind spinning out-of-control.
Shaking and sweating, Rod remembered his mother saying, “Son, big boys don’t cry.”
Suddenly, a silent tear rolled down his face to the sound of prison doors slamming behind him.
The Offer, by @bex-dk
To sign or not to sign? That is the question. Be sure to read about the author's editing process, as she walks through how she went from idea through several stages of editing--a valuable process for refining and perfecting any story.
Sign this contract and they could go home--no more shitty apartments.
Play the dutiful wife in public. The kids get the benefits of his position and wealth. She gets compensated for smiling through the insults.
Tears rolled down her cheeks. A cardboard life.
Hands shaking, she ripped it to shreds.
Bully Tears, by @cizzo
A bully finally gets his due.
Ian flings his balled fist against the kid’s jaw. A sickening crunch of cartilage and bone. He tightens his fingers and swings again.
He stands over the kid that has taunted him for years. Tears roll down the bully’s face mixing with blood from a broken nose.
No more bullshit.
Tears, by @thinknzombie
The author takes us into a reality we can only imagine.
The rift drew closer to the station. A colossal tear in space-time, looming behind the final escape pod.
Inside, Jeffrey waved happily. Unaware, but so perfect.
She shuddered. “You fucking look after him, Tom.”
He nodded, buckling himself in.
With a final look at her baby, she sealed the hatch.
Torn, by @jasminearch
When the best day turns into the worst one....
Funny how small mishaps could become omens. Annie poked a finger through the tear in her voluminous wedding dress. As unexpected as her best friend's last-minute confession, but there it was.
Looping the heavy train over one arm, she walked away from the church.
Mum was right. Men are pigs.
Why the tears?? by @ablaze
Things are not as they seem.
Tears meandered slowly down her face like glacial meltwater.
Was it something he said?
She wouldn't look up, her head bowed low in quiet reverie.
Her gaze transfixed now and focused.
It ached every fibre of his six foot frame to see her this way.
She put down the onion...
This week's 50-word story prompt
The prompt for this week is “break.” There are so many possible directions for this one, Fifty Worders. I look forward to seeing where you take it.
Please review carefully. Images must follow the Proper use of images guidelines below.
- Write a story in 50 words. (It's especially cool if you can hit 50 words exactly!)
- Use the #fiftywords tag, and **post the link in the comments of this post**.
- Be sure to read and upvote the work of the other participants. It's all about community!
- Use only artwork that you have the right to use, and attribute it properly. See the following guidelines.
Proper use of images
Proper use of images means one of the following:- The image is public domain, or under creative commons licensing rules.
- It is your own image.
- If it is not one of the above, you must have actual permission.
I have two resources for you, from my friends at @thewritersblock:
And speaking of @thewritersblock, if you would like editing help for your stories before posting them, follow #thewritersblock tag to find them on Discord.
Deadline for this week: Saturday, July 14th.
The 50-word story clan
I'm mentioning you here if have participated in the #fiftywords short story challenge in the past. Please let me know if you would like your tag removed in this or future posts. (Note that I do trim the list. Those who have not participated for a long time or are not active on Steemit will eventually drop from the mentions.)
@ablaze, @adigitalife, @aggroed, @agmoore, @ahmadmanga, @akdx, @aksounder, @alexandered, @alheath, @anikekirsten, @anixio, @anonymummy
@bagpuss, @beginningtoend, @bex-dk, @blueteddy, @botefarm @brandonsadventur, @bryarose23
@caleblailmusik, @carn, @cheekah, @cizzo, @clacrax, @creatr
@damianjayclay, @deirdyweirdy, @desmoniac, @diebitch, @dirge, @divineinyang, @donnest
@eaglespirit, @elementm, @emwalker, @enjar, @eroticabian, @esttyb, @evgsk
@feebie, @felt.buzz, @ficciones, @foxfiction, @foxyspirit
@galactichunter, @gaming-stuff, @girlbeforemirror
@jadams2k18, @janine-ariane, @jakeybrown, @jasminearch, @jayna, @jluvs2fly, @jonknight, @josecarrasquero, @joyyrush
@kaelci, @kally, @khadija14, @kimberlylane, @ktfabler
@ldacey-laforge, @lightoj, @liverussian, @lucylin, @luiskrupaz
@Mammasitta, @marie-jay, @mark-dahl, @mgaft1, @mineopoly, @miniature-tiger, @mizdais, @momzillanc, @mydivathings
@navaneeth, @negativer, @niallon11
@paintingangels, @papacrusher, @phillyc, @pixiehunter, @poeticnest, @preparedwombat, @prydefoltz, @puppetmaster1111, @purpledaisy57, @pyrowngs
@ravencorinn, @riottales, @rodrigocabrera, @roxy-cat
@sharoonyasir, @spalatino, @sue-stevenson, @sukhasanasister
@tanglebranch, @thatlovechild, @theblackcrow, @theironfelix, @therosepatch, @thinknzombie, @tiatu, @tinkerrose, @tuwore, @tygertyger
@vaitelavicius, @vdux, @vivek-g
@wa2qr, @wales, @whitelite, @wylde
About the 50-word challenge
This weekly 50-word challenge starts off each Sunday with a one-word prompt. Participants use the prompt to create a micro-fiction story in just 50 words. For more info and inspiration: check out the recent post about this project, Fifty-word challenge: FAQs, ideas, motivation and showcase.@zen-art
Thanks so much for reading! If you haven’t yet written a story in 50 words, try it. It's a really amazing challenge to see what can unfold in a mere 50 words!
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://jaynalocke.com/2018/07/09/fifty-word-story-round-up-and-new-prompt/
Here’s mine:
That is priceless, @preparedwombat!
Nice story! Maybe another chapter? I'm curious about that box...what's in it? 🙂
Tada! Here's mine: https://steemit.com/fiftywords/@therosepatch/brokeninnocence50wordstory-wesu0fx5w1
Great to have you back here, @therosepatch!
Glad to be giving this another go, here is my entry - I struggled so much to chose, but the first story is the one I am entering.
Just wanted to mention here so others see this: you cleverly wrote three different 50-word stories in one post. I think if you are inspired by the prompt, and want to write more than one story, this is a fine way to do it. Others have submitted multiple stories separately, and that is fine too.
There was never any doubt...
"The Utter Joy of Surfing"
Jayna, enjoy!

Utter joy is right on the money!!! Nothing quite like it..
Here is my entry;
I just hope it's not too late. https://steemit.com/fiftywords/@olakunle10/sunrise-a-50-word-short-story
Nope, not too late!
Jumping in again! https://steemit.com/fiction/@thinknzombie/thebreak50wordstory-5wqoksoq0j
Welcome back! Rubs hands together. Yay, another addict!
haha guilty as charged!
Here's mine Jayna. Things have settled down a little with life and I'm back to the 50 word club!
Great to see you again in #fiftywords, @aksounder!
Here is my entry. Looking forward to reading the other submissions!
Great to see you here, @alheath! I missed your stories.
The Lesson has been learnt with my submission.It's been a while, but I'm back! Not going to stay away from #fiftywords ever again.
Oh, I'm so glad you're back, @anikekirsten!
I am just thrilled, @jayna that you liked my story. Such a great group of writers in this challenge. Thank you for the opportunity to share.
Yes. Nice work!
Thanks a million for the mention @jayna, especially amongst a such great bunch of writers. I really enjoy taking part every week. Here is my entry for this week, nice and early again :o) https://steemit.com/fiftywords/@ablaze/despair-a-fiftywords-story
It just takes one to get the ball rolling! 😊
Oh, my, Jayna...
There really is just one and only one direction to take this...
Thinking! ;) (i.e., Steeming...)

Ha ha! We shall see what we shall see!
Almost forgot to add mine here, but phew. Remembered just in time. This week's piece is called Broken
This is my participation in this challenge with the post
Hello @jayna https://steemit.com/esteem/@felixgarciap/a-hectic-week-8484dbbf40782est
I’m so glad you decided to continue with a second 50-word story!
For me it is a joy to participate in this challenge. Best regards
The link to my story is listed below:
I love all the different interpretations of “break” I’m seeing in these stories. Yours is quite clever!
Thank you @jayna. As a retired human resources manager, unfortunately I have many termination stories. Yes, the different interpretations have been interesting to read.
I knew I didn't finish something up. Anyway, here be my submission: breakin' down for this contest.
Looking forward to reading it!
Another great prompt full of possibilities! Here is my submission:
Thanks for your entry, @papacrusher! I will be catching up on reading all stories over the next few days, as my voting power is low at the moment.
This is my entry this week: Patched Smaller.
You can read the story below, but I hope you check the link above. I worked hard on the cover image this time.
Very nice, @ahmadmanga. I will visit the actual post as soon as my voting power regenerates.
Hi, my dear @jayna! Im back again!
Here is my entry:
Welcome back, @jadams2k18!
Im good to be back
My entry: https://steemit.com/erotica/@eroticabian/yours
Welcome back, @eroticabian!
Thank you so much. Now that the freewritehouse contest is over, I have a bit more breathing room for posting other things!
yehey I'm back! my entry: https://steemit.com/fiftywords/@purpledaisy57/fifty-word-story-prompt-break-i-m-back
Hi @purpledaisy57! It has been a while. Glad you circled back!
My entry https://steemit.com/fiftywords/@tinkerrose/50-word-story-break-jayna-s-contest
Ah, another early bird!
Thanks. :)
Another excellent prompt @jayna. Here is mine: https://steemit.com/fiftywords/@cizzo/a-steemit-break-50-word-story
Here is my submission this week :D
Hey cool another prompt! Here's my story:
I joined in again. These are great for getting me writing again and I'm so loving the editing practice also. It's turning my brain back on and getting it back into gear.
Great to hear. I'm glad it's challenging you! I also love the editing practice. I've never happy with them until every single word feels just right.
For my entry . . . I offer:
Here's another entry jealousy
You went to town this round!
Here's my take. Cheers.
Hi Dirge! Glad to see you back here! It has been a while.
Here is what I have ^_^
On to reading the other stories ^_^
Very intriguing!
Glad I returned to writing these, hopefully I'll come with a good story for break... One with unexpected ending like @ablaze piece... by the way I like how @bex-dk wrote her process, it's more interesting than the story.
I’m glad you’re back!
Do you count the title as part of the 50 words?
Nope! Justcount the words in the story itself.
omg been soo busy I nearly missed this! This shall inspire a lot.
I just scribbled up fpur micro flash fiction stories. What is with me?
Here is my first submission: my first micro-flash fiction attempt.
ooh a poem this time broken
short story time Liar
Hi guys! Here’s mine for this week: https://steemit.com/challenge/@jayna/instarkcontrast-nxu01lgc8e
Hi @jayna and 50-words clan,
This is my entry for this week round. I hope you'll like it. 🙂
Last minute entry Alone At Sea