It's been almost a month or more I wrote something, spend time online like I used to, or did anything that I usually do. Taking a quick break and coming back always feels like a time travel, especially on the internet. Lot of updates and a lot many changes!
However, life feels very different offline or to say "the real life". That gets amplified when I am home, surrounded people with very different mindsets, values and outlooks on life in general. And the subtle hatred towards the technology makes things a little more, again, real!

The newest news for us is definitely COVID-19 (still!). The only difference is that now it is not somewhere far but next door. One of our neighbours got infected and was home quarantined last week.
As am writing this, my brother just told us everyone in their family except one toddler confirmed positive now. I still remember the day the first person got infected and the children crying to go out and play. It is a sad situation to make them stay inside for weeks without seeing anyone else.
The numbers has this power of numbness I guess. The one that makes us feel nothing much.
It was actually easy to just check the numbers and forget at first. But in these past months, the feel of those numbers changed. Putting a name instead of a number changes everything.
And it definitely did when I came to know my childhood friend tested positive. The panic when some of our relatives were quarantined. And then numbers started to change from single digit to double and now in thousands I guess, that’s just within the tiny state we live in.
It’s going to be almost a year living with the hope of getting rid of the virus, going out without these really uncomfortable mask and a long list of things that were normal this time last year. But, when we have vulnerable people in our family, all we hope for is them to not get affected regardless of what our believes are! I have been staying indoors for the same reason all these months.

Not everything is so gloomy though. The past months when I was away, I was with my nephew. And there is no way I am able to get on any of my gadgets and use it for anything of my own.
My phone now has hundreds of photos in different modes. My desktop screen has Harry Potter, animes and games, all at his reach so that there is no time wasted finding them. Needless to say, the only option left is to spend time reading stories and struggling to keep up with the energy.
I don’t understand why kids don’t sleep!!!
If you never have been around kids and preparing to be an aunt (or uncle), let me tell you a secret. There is a pure devil inside every kid. The one that manipulates you to forgive even if they are breaking your favourite material possession, the kind that makes you love unconditionally no matter what these little creatures do!
So, do NOT give your password. Or worst, don’t leave the drawing pattern unwiped. They are going to find it out and your contacts are going to get voice messages, or pics (or just think of any of your tech nightmares and consider it happened).
Somehow in the process you start to be grateful for everyone in your childhood who were there for you.
Speaking of kids, our kittens are a huge part of my life now. I never thought they will become this close. They are no less than a toddler either. They both have their own personalities now. One of them is so sweet. He comes to call me every morning and evening to play with him or just to sit with him on the terrace. Quality times!

There were many incidents in the past months which brought them together and be a part of family. Most of them involving tragedies but I think that is how they started to trust us. They were very scared of humans at first.
Along with these kids and kittens, my plants bring the most joy. It was an adventure for me to start planting some seeds. Watching them grow and becoming these tiny plants is pure joy. I have tried to keep minimal intervention.
When we start to do things which might seem quite easy from the outside we come across these tiny problems. DIY-ing to fix these problems do bring happiness. But, I have come to realize that it is a time consuming process.

For sure it is a good lifestyle. Taking things slow, non-instant gratification and such. But, I am grateful for people who already provide solutions to issues in form of products, techniques and books. I remember thinking I will never use plastic for plants. Then I saw the inconveniences of using terracotta in my space.
They got this thick fungus cover during the monsoon and some even broke. That’s when tried grow bags. But, I don’t think they will last long. Neither is an option to transport plants anywhere. I think I have learnt a bit about how NOT-easy it is to maintain an organic farm.

Taking time off of the internet has been good only for not consuming the mainstream news panic. Otherwise, it always is always a lot to catch up. Many new products on apps, updates, hardforks and global changes.
I still wonder when things will go back to normal and traveling to places will have lesser pre-checklists. As per Kerala tourism, the beaches are reopening on November 1st. I am looking forward to that. Until then, I will try to explore the nearby places.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://elsaenroute.com/reconnecting-back-to-2020/