SCHOOL FOR PARENTS: How to stimulate the development of speech in children?

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

In the age of communication and the value of information, one of the most common problems is the development of children's speech. Today, every two children at the age of two to four years arrive at a psychologist with this problem.

How the child learns to speak


We need to talk not only to communicate, but also to think, imagine and control our behavior. Speaking actively is when the child speaks out loud; passively, when you understand the speech of another person.

Suppose you ask a child to give you a spoon, and he gives you a spoon, and nothing else. He distinguishes a spoon from a fork, a sweet from an apple, as long as you do not confuse the name. In children, the development of active and passive speech forms does not occur simultaneously. The first passive discourse develops, when the child learns to understand the words, simply listens to others, and only then begins to speak for himself.

It is important to know that, from the first weeks of life, the child recognizes the characteristics of the mother's speech and already during this period learns to speak actively. Therefore, it is important to start talking to the baby as soon as possible. However, many parents consider it a waste of time to talk to babies, believing they do not understand anything. And this is a big mistake, which can later cause problems.

Fine motor skills and speech development.

Although many people think that the development of fine motor skills affects the development of speech. There are simple exercises to coordinate movements: sculpting, drawing with pencils, painting, can attract the development of speech, because the child remains, in silence, the time that develops them. While other activities, such as telling stories or singing with your fingers, develop an impressive speech.

There are also processes in which the speech centers and motor skills are so connected, that hitting the child in the hands is strictly forbidden!

Children "multilingual"

When the father and the mother speak different languages, the children learn the pronunciation more slowly and perceive the combinations of sounds in the language with the same slowness. The child needs to learn not only the verbal name of various objects, but also to relate them to each other and to the other language.

There are important rules: all parents should talk with the child in their native language and not borrow words from another language. It must also "correct" the child always, if he is speaking a language, and uses the words of another, the normal development of bilingual speech will be formed, as long as the child differentiates one language from the other when listening to these words.

Perfectionist mom, child with problem.

And the most surprising form of delay in the child's speech is manifested in hyperactive mothers. Such mothers: perfectionists simply do not allow the child to speak. They capture the baby's wishes through the movement of the hand, raised eyebrows or facial expression. Such a child simply does not need to talk! It is not understood even in half a word, but in half a letter!

Dear mothers, remember that the child must develop a NEED to speak, which means that he must be able to express his desire.

Talk as much as possible with the child

Remember that speech and mental development are closely related, and speech without form can lead to a delay in mental development. For the development of the child's speech, the most important thing is to talk as much as possible with him.

To be able to listen to the speech addressed to him personally, and not from the TV screen. Discuss all situations and everyday events in the baby's life: fees in kindergarten, cleaning the bed, walking, the process of eating. It is important to describe everything he sees with the child, everything he does and everything he feels, calling him simple and understandable words for him. Read and memorize poetry, counting is also very useful. Source

Our children grow up in the new conditions of total employment of the parents, and, unfortunately, their problems are a consequence of the fast life of the adults and the lack of time. To wait for the miracle that everything will resolve itself and the child "suddenly" starts talking, do not do it. Such a child can still be helped, and needs his power to do so.

Games you can do with the child to stimulate speech:


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Many times we make the mistake of guessing immediately what the child is trying to say, and in this way we avoid making an effort to pronounce the words. Very good advice friend