you make me love and your chest in mine you put
I was crying at that moment, I was going through a sad stage
and my tears are over just when you smiled
you told me something cute happened to you when you saw me
you explained to me with a kiss for what reason one exists
then without direction I was left when you dressed, you picked up
and like smoke in the fog, you just disappeared
after that I did not know what to do
I knew you would not come back and I started going crazy
I looked for you everywhere, I just wanted to see you
I had a question and only you could answer
tell me what happened, with that we
it is not necessary that you lie, I understand you if there was another
how hard it was to see you leave without any explanation
and cry like a child sitting under the moon
you disdained me without mercy, you knew it would fall deep
I was really in love, you were the only magical thing that was in my reality
when you left, you took yourself to happiness
I had no choice but to swallow the bitter crop
mourn quietly for very long moments
I saw you as a port and you as a simple boat
I wanted to plant in my field my love as a tree
but I think that I fail in something I question all my days
my attitude but your attitude and I do not understand yet
how did you come to convince yourself that you should
without saying anything separate your life from mine
that if it hurt, it still hurts
I spent the coldest nights with the most cruel pains
I had to heal myself, and today I thank you
because for the pain of the soul
there are no pills in the pharmacy

Hola @cesaralejandro, cuando el contenido de una publicación, esté escrito de forma total o parcial en español, puedes hacer uso de la etiqueta spanish.
Tranquilo esto no tiene el objetivo de ir en contra de tu publicación, si no que tiene la función de que en tus contenidos posteriores a este, evites cometer el mismo error.