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RE: Update on the steempress theme bounty

in #steempress8 years ago (edited)

I'm in the midst of fiddling with a couple of different themes. Mainly, my plan is to port some Jekyll and other open source themes, which many more people have already created, and document the process.

It would be great if we could document themes either in a in the Github repo, or by enabling the Wiki.

Also need a place for theme variables, I guess I should finally get on steemit chat and talk to you about that live at some point ;)

Those are my plans -- to enable many more people to create or port #steempress themes. #Bounties are interesting, and have an interesting history in open source. In cash for content systems like steemit, it can become even more complicated.

What is the difference between content and code? Should I post ahead of time for people to "vote" for which themes I should port? If I port themes and no one pays, what does that mean? Should people "pay" to get support / help / updates?

There are no easy answers, and this is a new system. We should look at earlier experiences as well as understand what needs to be tweaked for steemit.

I'll post a link to my previous writing on this topic later tonight.

Thanks @jesta for running this experiment.


Thanks for helping with it, I really appreciate it. And you're always welcome to hit me up on!

I'm still working out how these two themes best exist in the codebase, but documentation I agree is a must. I'll probably also come up with some sort of data view so you can see all the live data as it exists on the page, which would make it very easy to theme.

Some great plans for the themes, I honestly don't know what the best way to pick which themes to port would even be. We'll have to experiment with that as well :)

I really wouldn't worry about a live data view. I'm still learning twig and how you've integrated it, so that's the main hold up for me. Liquid templating is super simple, including the part where you can make up your own theme variables, so mainly I need to know what variables there are and how you've used them and/or how they can be extended. I can stumble through figuring out twig from there :)

You do want to ship with a couple of "bundled" themes, but honestly, you mainly want to teach people how to customize / grab themes from elsewhere. e.g. take existing theme, copy folder, rename folder, etc.

I'll make my themes (when I get that far) in their own repo -- or see if you want to include some of them in the base repo.

Re: voting. Maybe something like, do a post explaining that I'll port some number of themes. Then, in the comments, I'll post one comment per theme, and people can vote for that comment? Can comments make a ton of money/votes? Or do I need to do one top-level post per suggested theme to port?

Those are mechanics, but that's also the interesting part. Can you run mini Kickstarter / bounty like systems with just what's already available in the interface? For instance, I might say that I'll port any theme that "makes" at least $100 -- or something like that.