I don't go to doctors unless I absolutely must.
My experience with a psychotherapist is akin to the frustration you went though, though very different of course. She kept saying we need to assess more and talk more, kept asking the same questions each session. I kept saying I want to do something when I am in a panic or rage attack, not days later in a session. I want to be able to stop emotional flashbacks. "Yeah, we need to talk more." And then after 8 sessions I stopped. And after 1 EFT session, I was already lightyears ahead, like seriously.
It's because, while some are kind or helpful, they are all, main stream docs and therapists, brainwashed by the system and they don't know it. You won't find an Anarchist doctor or Voluntaryist therapist. You just don't. Alternative therapies and remedies usually are where they'll be.
But man, that guy sounds so infuriating and patronising. I remember however getting a good doctor at a clinic checkup who told me to do yoga and relax. Context is I saw him at the insistence of the narc who abused me and he was present and kept saying I was always ill (yeah, of course, I was terrified so I was constantly ill). The doc maybe saw his game but "Narcky" never let me speak with the doc on my own. Uh, I'm so glad I have all this knowledge today. We can all find what heals us. I am my own guinea pig, I suppose 😉
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Yeah.. this was a must.. like I'm SINKING here and none of my go to were working. Even EFT. It's really interesting to hear your experience of counselling.. that was my impression too. Talking was just a roundabout!! Ha, guinea pigs we are. Always learning through experience!!!
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For sure. But also finding what works best for us and not doing what others say we should, just doing what we know is best for us. THAT is self empowerment.
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