Great video! Absolutely agree that there is always something positive to be found in each and every post we make. Maybe it isn't received as well as you hoped, but like you say, perhaps there was a great comment and you forge a new friendship. Maybe you get a single new follower who ends up being one of your staunchest supporters. Maybe you learn something that turns out to be invaluable in creating new posts. It's all super valuable, as long as you're tuned into thinking positive and looking for things to be grateful for. Loving your snazzy music and editing! :)
Thank you dear! I consider you one of those valuable virtual friends here. I always enjoy your posts, but also your engagement in your comments. I look forward to reading more from you, or perhaps you will delve into vlogging? 😉 The editing gets me in trouble because it's so fun and there's so much to learn. I feel like a kid again and a 10 second clip will sometimes keep me busy for hours! Lol! Anyway, thanks for stopping by. I do hope you are well. Much love!
I feel the same! Although we have different lives and very different focuses for our Steemit posts, it always seems like there's some level of kindred spirit shining through. I love reading and hearing about your life - especially when you touch on the ups and downs of parenting. Who knows, in a few years maybe this info will become super relevant for me. ;)
Healthwise, I'm making good progress and definitely improving, although still keep having ups and downs. Writing-wise I'm working on a couple of bigger writing projects that probably won't get any exposure on Steemit, but I'm keen to keep posting here as sporadically as I can with the hope of getting back to more regular attendance in the future. Haha vlogging seems to be what all the cool kids are doing but I'm the kind who has trouble even leaving a voicemail so probably not any time soon.