How is everyone doing tonight!!! I hear about a competition last night and I am going to need the help of all my true followers.
Here's the deal. He put out a competition asking any Steemit user to redo one of three songs that he has made videos for. Here is the post and it is important that you go to this very post if you want to help me win.
Here is my version of the song.
In this post I am including the song that he made so you guys can get a feel for what I used to create my version.
@fyrstikken song "Do you want to trade some shit coins"
All you have to do is upvote the comment I leave in his post with my video for the competition. If you like my version than head on over and hit that upvote button.
If I win this competition I promise to share the love. With 50,000 Steem power for a week the game will definitely change for me and all of my followers. As you know I upvote all of the content I like.
I hope you enjoy the video and post.
Special shout out to @fyrstikken for making this happen. Either win or lose I appreciate you doing this for the Steemit community.
Come out on the Discord app on group and I promise you will not be disappointed that you joined!!!!!!
Until the next post

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great work , excellent stuff
Yo man keep it up man you the winner deep lyrics like the style as well.
Shit this was great!!! Both tracks kicked ass.
very good, this is
Thanks big homie trying to win that steem power!!!!! All i need is people voting on my comment in the competition thread!!!!! Hopefully I can come out on top!!!!
haha! That was really good!
Thanks alot I really appreciate it. Go vote for me on the competition so we can all win!!!!!
Just Did. Put you at the top.
Thanks I appreciate it!!!!
Sick cover, I hope you win the 50,000 SP in delegation for a week.
Bodied this. My nigga!! I aint fucking wit u on this 💪🏼
Hahaha my nigga....glad you liked it!!!! Don't worry if I win we win...hop on Discord tonight
100 UV love it
Thanks i appreciate you listening!!!!
what a beast lool
Great work,excellen stuff..nice post
Hi, upvoted! Good post. By the way did you know, that Coca-Cola originally contained cocaine.
UV & RS!
Thanks I apprecitate it
This is dope homie!!!!!
Yo VIQUEZ my BOY!!!! You brought that fire, love what you did here bro! You got my vote and resteem, godspeed man, hope you take this one!
Best line, but all is excellent and creative, well done.
Dude you killed it!
Yup!! This one is the one.. I did listen to all the entries and you are definitely the best those entered so far.. Hope you win! You got my vote!! @mrviquez
You did your thing @mrviquez !!! You got this in the bag! I know you will put the 50,000 sp to great use! Time to change more lives!!! #StayBlessedKing
Damn @mrvizuez you amaze me every time you spit bars! I am waiting on that mix tape to drop :) Up voted your entry. Nice work!
Shitcoin, funny.
That guy is funny...I want to trade some shitcoins now
Great job, thanks for sharing
Dope bro! just upvoted the contest hope u break the bank fam 💰
chea bada nice rap
thanks for this "HA HA"
I also grind, or should I say did grind a lot before coming to @steemit!
I dedicated a few years of my life to PLO and some to NLH :)
I do alright for myself...btw your choice of game? :)
I will try to open an account, but first I'll check about d RB deal...
I will follow up, feel free to also check my s*** out if you have a min or two :P
Swc poker is dope man check it out use code Blazin8888 if you sign up
i will ;)
upvoted it. Bro killed it. im feeling this one man.
I think we have a winner for the competition ;)
good stuff
Damn nigga nailed it
That was great.
This shit is dope. Up up and away with you man. Great cover ;)
more more. haha
i'll pay 5 steem dollar to hear a hi-def version of this, if that can motivate you a little bit to record it
Murder he wrote!
You used almost no instruments & no back ground. The asset is your husky tone. Simple & amazing. upvoted
Song is dope!! I hope you win. I'm resteeming this one.
Totally awesome it !
@mrviquez damn. 🔥FYRE on the MIC. bars.
YES! This is EPIC
Epic man. Just epic. :-D
Awesome my man !
100 my g