Blog Qoute: Plan your blogs for planning is dreaming
Hola there! Before I post something else I wanted to give you a headstart on what you will be reading in my blog. Just from my username you can guess it already that all of my blog post will gonna be random stuff that I wanted to share.
So here's my weekly blog post schedule
#RandomlyMeMonday In every Monday's I'm gonna post any random stuff i can think like some tips, hack, poems, dagli( a short stories that have a twist ending), essays, position paper, or just anything nonsense that I can think.
#MyWednesdayReviews On Wednesdays I'm gonna post some book reviews. No specific genre of books, just anything that I have in my bookshelf or anything that I read.
#FitnessFriday While on fridays I'm gonna share my ways on how to be fit (I'm not that fit tho and definitely not a pro) Just my excercise routine, inspiration ladies that are sexy and fit. Also the foods that I eat and just anything related with my fitness life.(fun fact: I still love chocolates a LOT just so you know)
#SundayBlogShare Sundays is gonna be my sharing day where I'm gonna give you a piece of my life weekly. I'm gonna told you about my experiences and my crazy moments in life.
Warning: it's possible that I can't post weekly or may skip my schedule but I try my best to frequently blog.#DailyMe ( Warning: It’s possible that I can’t post everyday) this one is just like Ulog, a journal of myself, just my typically everyday life.
#MonthlyWrapUp every month I'm gonna post about my monthly reads. Like what book(s) I have read this whole month and my top favorite book of that month.
I’m gonna start this schedule next week since I still have this back to school series that I’m gonna post on my next blog.
And that’s all the stuff you will gonna see in my blog. Adios
“May your blog post don’t have any wrong grammars” (like mine)
Which edit is better?
Roxy (JustRandomlyMe) signing out
Maghulat jd ko ani baaaa😆😘
ayaw please, kapoi kaayo. grade 12 nata intawon busy na
I was thinking of something similar, categorizing posts and scheduling them then next month I'll have a new set of post categories. Exciting but is quite a bit of work.