I want to run my fingers through the hair
That you once pulled out of anger
As I lean forward
And whisper into your ear
I want to stroke your cheek
The cheek that has known only tears
Wipe away the familiar feeling of pain
Replace it with memories of my touch
I want my fingers to weave with yours
And feel the marks on your palms
From nails digging into your skin
I can heal them if you hold my hand
I want to feel the pounding of your heart
And rest my hand upon your chest
Let you feel the warmth that I feel
Whenever you are near
I want to brush my lips against yours
Which once trembled with fear
I want to kiss away the bitterness
That they had once uttered
I want to look into your eyes
As you look into mine
And for that moment, I want you to believe
That everything will be fine
I want to collide my heart with yours
Knowing that it could be a mess
I want to make you whole
Just as you have made me
kalalom uy ! :) apila sa among #dnwpoetrycontest maam :) naa koy epost bago na theme para krn na week
Very well penned poem and nice to read. ;)
Wow this is very well done! @aranasgail Keep up the great work!