First SteemPets Fresh Out Of Tangled Branch Forest!!

in #steempets7 years ago (edited)


Enter The Dragon!! This is @enginewitty's new SteemPet!! Engine hasn't decided on a name yet SO maybe leave some suggestions in the comments :) Who knows, he could always make a little contest out of it!

UPdate: And his name issssssss!!!! Drumrollllllll!!! SureFire!! :D How cool is that! Ok, hot.


Now this little sweetheart is @saffisara's gorgeous little hugbunny unicorn. The adoption papers are not finalized yet but I think she might be naming her BunnyBoo!


This lovely gal is @Snook's Angelic Wooly Mammoth. Again I don't think she's settled on a name yet and it's entirely possible that she could run a little name game contest. Feel free to leave ideas for her in the comments!


This adorable PlatyKitty is @sykochica's SteemPet. A HUGE thank you to her for being the very first person to believe in SteemPets and get involved! Whenever she surfaces we'll have to see if we can get a name for her lovely SteemPet.


This adorable sweetie is @thekittygirl's Unicorn Wooly Mammoth! How cute is she?! I don't think she's settled on a name yet either so feel free to comment and maybe she'll even do her own little name contest!

We will reveal more SteemPets as they are created! Hope you love the look and vibe!

A huge thank you to @derosnec for her wonderful work on these terrific creations!

Thank you SteemPeeps for all the support!!

Much love,
@TheBugIQ @PoeticSnake @derosnec & @SteemPets!

©All images are owned by SteemPets and their respective owners. Duplication or useage is not permitted without permission.

Original Artwork by @derosnec


I absolutely Looove those adorable steemPets and my Bunnyboo is the cutest... Lol
Yes I think that name fits well right?

It's for kids so I dunno...

Thank you for this... They make me smile 😊🤗
@enginewitty dragon is adorable to and he's crazy about boobs so mabye boob dragon 😂jk @snook is so cool to.. And @sykochica They turned out so much better than I could imagine and @derosnec has done amazing on creating those for us. @TheBugIQ must say the shirt free hugs was a nice touch 🤗🤗👍

Yay! I'm so stoked you like it :D I had fun with it for sure haha!!

Awwww thanks SO much Sara! I'm so happy you love your Bunny! I'm really looking forward to seeing how this unfolds!! 🤗

And I added a little on mine just for fun 😉
I'm also excited to se where this goes 😉

OMG! They are all sooo sooo sooo CUTE!!! Cuteness to the max...

hee thank you! :D

woohoo! Theyre adorable! can't wait to see mine!

In progress! It's comin' up soon - so thanks for your patience! :D

Love the #cutenessoverload tag! 😁
These are so many levels of awesome,
and I really like mine! She is tutu cute! 😊

@derosnec did a great job, no doubt! 💜 Thank you to @derosnec and @thebugiq!

Whee! SO happy you're happy @thekittygirl!! <3

That's super clever LOL TuTuCute hahaa. Might be the makings of a name there! :D

Awesome designs. :) Loving them so far. The hugbunny unicorn is so cute it should probably be illegal. And I'm totally joking cause I'm a bit of an anarchist so I don't really believe in banning things.. But.. Damn that is cute as heck. Lol. Great work, will be cool to see how this plays out I think you have an awesome idea.

hahah love this comment - thank you!

His name is Surefire.

Cool name for the dragon!

ha! Love that!

totally cool and i just ordered mine!! woot

Just all adorable. Loving this. Thank you @thebugiq