My story
It was 10 days after my 18th birthday and a lovely Friday afternoon that was when it all happened. Until then, I was always this young virgin always looking forward to someday enjoy the pleasure of sex but on that faithful day my dreams came true.
Although I had many opportunities of sex but a lot of those times I turn to be so naive ,maybe not so naive, you know :i had to make some consideration, maybe I always had a little respect, maybe I was just a shy type or maybe worse.
And it all went down
But that very experience duels in my till now
She was an old sinor of mine which we reunited on social media and it turned out to be that she and I were so close but we never new, being my senior in age and far back in school I still maintain that prestige in her. We turned out to be in the same level and faculty but a different department. We were given an assignment on a faculty course and and we thought we could do it together .
I thought the school premises was OK but she insisted on my going to her place, I had nothing odd in mind cuz I already rated her as being of high standard than me so she should have had dozens of crushes on her. She ask that I dressed for church so after the assignment we could go to her church and I did as she said.
2:30pm if what I call "the big Friday " had me on a street heading to Blessings house whom turned out to be my name sake. She was living in a rented apartment a kilometer away from school being a very humorous individual, she never seized to have two or more friends hanging around her house so I was really prepared for what I was going for, I had some perfume on, some good pants and a simple polo shirt I saved for occasions like this I arrived her place but luckily I never saw a single soul apart from her, (Blessings) and she was just cooked up ready for success, I was welcomed into her appointment and immediately I reached for my bag and got out my Gre note book and then we started the logic, but I had a little problem our sitting position was a little awkward she sat behind me speeding her thighs and me between them, leaning through me to see what an doing in paper ,it just seemed things would not go worse it turned out she started complaining of a hot room and had to pool of her tops and she goes with bra's and this git a it worse starting to see part of her boob's flaunting through the bra's .
we were done with the assignment but it was too late to go to church, asked to go home but she insisted I stayed for a meal u tried to resist but all parameters were bidding me to stay I stayed no doubt, and she prepared for us a somtuos Jelouf rice after eating she insisted I waited for her so we could move out at once, but while we were eating I realized she seemed somehow, a way I have never seen before like she was partially drunk she looks high but never made any advances. After she came back from the bathroom she came with towel and I was do aroused that I think she saw my zipper strongly with my genitals .she closed the door tight and walk to her cupboard and pulled out a lotion and I seemed a bit embarrassed seeing her dress so I asked to wait for her outside, but withun me I had already pictured how sex with her would be, but she insisted I stayed that she isn't that discreet, she walked to me and said don't worry, held my hand it felt so soft and greasy I couldn't miss a chance but to start rubbing it slowly from the fingers and she never reacted she just stared at me with silence and contemplating passion then the rubbing took to her waist but she never retaliated, and I just been she was lost in passion I pulled her closer and closer then I advanced genitals, placing my hands over her panties I need she was wet and good to go, but a problem came, how do I strick u was still dressed and kitted up, how do I undress I wondered were do I get a condom I asked my self, equally lust in passion I was and I couldn't miss what I would call a golden opportunity but in the midst of that I asked her to wait for me a while and I ran out, am sure she new I went for a condom so no question was asked
I ran to chemist opposite and got a condom and things got cooked, running back with joy I prayed asking for strength to give my best shot
. Entered the room and locked the door again and to my surprise, she was totally undressed and in bed laying down watching me as I advanced, and with legs wide spread, I got undressed and just on zipping down, my genitals jumped out in anxiety I myself told it within me that am more anxious, then she immediately jumped from bed graped my genitals and the oral began
30minutes later I realized that I was there giving her my last speed.
few minutes later I had this tickling feeling and an urge to go faster and behold I experienced for the first time, and immediately everything siesed I felt very naughty I wanted to go so bad but i was this weak and I had to wait a bit before I go so as to gain a little strength, I despise her at that instance that I never wanted to see her again but from her looks she seemed not satisfied but there was no two ways out then I dressed up and was ready to go..
the epic finish source
At that juncture I woke up and realize that it was all a dream and I was like ; seriously? it was about 3:00an and I still needed to sleep although afree the change I slept back hopefully to continue in the dream Cus u wanted to see what happened after that but to no avail it was good, hahaha got you......
the end....
This is an edited version of this story off wish I had posted still here on steemit months ago and I equally grant my self the copyright permission to reblog this post.
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