Heya Monsters,
Tomorrow is a huge day for @steemmonsters! To celebrate, The Steem Monster Show is running a little contest! We've had a lot of fun on the show last two weeks chatting all about the battle testing with @o07 - who was one of the Mavericks testing the game.
Contest Rules
This is super easy. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post saying who you are most nervous to meet on the battle field! The contest will be open until Wednesday at 4:30pm PST, where we will do a random draw for every eligible entry and will announce the winner live on the show.
Don't worry - if you aren't able to make the show live - that does not disqualify you from winning.
That's it! Many of you probably know that the main sponsor of our show is @contestkings. They support high quality contests on the Steem blockchain that don't require an upvote, resteem or follow. We love that and are following those same rules with this contest today. All you have to do is leave a comment.
The Prize?

Catch Our Show Every Wednesday

Best of Luck To You All!
Can't wait to see who you all mention below. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of @clove71 and @monsterworld in the comments! Also a huge congrats to the entire Steem Monsters team on this huge accomplishment. Tomorrow is a big day.

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I'd hate to fight anyone who copies the team I just used to beat them.
I came to say holoz0r. At this point he's more machine than man.

Ha ha ha haaaa!!! That is the best answer.
But I think it will be fun once it starts opening up for regular players.I'd be nervous to take on @holoz0r because he's really familiar with each of the monster's statistics, attacks, defences and so on. The same goes for @o07 (they have played against each other).
I'm scared of all future card holders! #hejustopenedhisfirstbooster
YAAAASS! That kid has moves. Soon we just have a bunch of smart kids like that kickin our asses.
This is so true! It's the kids who are gunna get us!
The Clarke Duo. I hear they been training since an early age. Rumor has it their father is a major player in the Golems market.
You don't want mess with golems like that
They've never felt the sting of defeat; because they have no idea they're losing.
I know! Every time I lose, my 4-year-old is like, "Good job! Mom! You WON again! I knew you could do it."
Should I tell him I lost again? Or just let him think I'm the hero...
Oooh. This is going to be intriguing...
This is great, I am so excited for everyone to start battling now! I would say to pick out a few favorite splinters and level them up! Any team could beat another depending on what they use. Your cards need to be in the right placement so study the attacks and abilities. I think it's funny anyone is scared of anyone lol! I win about half the time but I do not use the practice in the arena, I just go in straight battling, lol! It will be fun! See you all there! ;-)
Thanks for the advice @clove71!
I'm nervous playing @o07, his collection is so impressive!
I am scared to battle @coruscate. She keeps acting like shes not a gamer but I think she’s hustling :) Watch her come in and dominate all the mavs
Ha ha ha! Such a hustler!
I know her game!
hahah i guess we will find out tomorrow. ;)
I am most afraid to meet @onefatindian . He win almost every contest. Even if he is not in it...
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lolol Can you imagine if I was able to do that?!
I would need a superhero name!
Wait! It would just be, onefatindianthatcannotlose!!! :D
hahah .... its funny because its true.
@davemmcoy. He's written the 101 posts and played plenty of matches already.
yaaaaah @davemccoy is going to be a force to be reckoned with!
And thank you too @coruscate! I think you already a force to be reckoned with! :D
Thank you Gillian, what a nice compliment! :)
I ran into @clove71 various times in beta testing and never got close although one made it to round 7! Don’t want to see her against me...
haha! Too funny! I am still in there trying to battle but no one is available lol, I can't wait until tomorrow when everyone will be on! It is a great time ahead of us!!!
Well, I definitely wouldn't wanna have to battle @aggroed or @clove71 but there are quite a few heavy contenders now so we will just have to wait and see who the real #crusher is :D
hahah that line from the kickstarter video cracked me up. I just wanna crush ya!
Yeah i'm with you - i'd never want to face up with those two!
I actually think @rentmoney will be a quiet achiever on the field of battle. He's beem quietly amassing an army and no doubt researching deck combinations
Jarlax the undead! He is silent and very mysterious and couldnt know much about his character. Will be definitely nervous to meet him :)
I'd be nervous playing any of the Maverick, since they've had a chance to practice already. Glad you can't loose cards!
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Im quite interested to see how this turns out :)
Anyone with leveled-up cards! I have some decent cards, but there's few that I had more than one of so all are level 1 or 2.
I'm pretty nervous to battle anyone as I'm still trying to get my head around it. I still haven't put a team together yet and am hoping I can learn by trial and error with the other basic players.
I'm nervous to run into any of the Mavericks who already have some experience playing ofc. Watching others play gets you the gist of it but you don't feel the game, you know?
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Definitely, don't want to battle @ned I bet he has the best deck!
I'd hate to fight anyone who is always picking the right team against me ;-)
@neoxianif it were to fight against him. I would just say the pawns' phrase. Ok, I'm dead
I would say anybody is going to be a challenging player to beat who has max leveled up their cards. Especially summoners. That means, e.g., haziful, patelincho, ... :)
By the way, the entire game is possibly going to be a magnificent exercise in experimental economics. Because it's on a public blockchain, all player actions. With above threshold valuable rewards, exactly as Vernon Smith argued would be ideal.
To meet Everybody in the game not nervous but excited.
who am i nervous to fight??? ..but of course @coruscate!!....after she told me that she knows how to handle a revolver i can't sleep!!!! ...we belong to the same guild though, i don't know if this is a problem!!!.. @coruscate stay sharp!!!!
I can't waitI want to fight against @bafi
Waiting to battle the shiny @cryptomancer!
I mean everybody who participated on the testing phase will be pretty scary to face right now. But @o07 and most of the names you mention will be pretty exciting and nervous games.
I'm afraid to battle everyone, because, to be honest, I don't have a clue what I'm doing, lol. People like @davemccoy and probably a lot of others have already played tournaments, so they are experienced, while I'm still trying to understand everything...
Nah. You'll pick up quick. I had no idea what I was doing, so I just mimicked other people. And finally figured it out. Just play a bunch. It'll be fine! Pick a favorite splinter and level up a few cards to give them some abilities. And you're golden.
Thanks for the tips. But the lineup is something I have more diffiiculties with. But I've already learned a lot by watching my opponent. :0)
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The creators themselves.