Hellow, howdy, good morning, and hi.
Once again I bring you a #steemmonsters post :)
Yesterday I was presented with the death splinter daily quest, since I dont rent death cards anymore I rerolled.
What did I get? YEP it was life. The 2nd splinter of which I didnt rent any cards.
I was presented with two options:
- Skip the quest for today
- Rent some life splinter cards
As I didnt want to miss out on 16 juicy cards (champion 3) I decided to rent some!
Oh boi.
Guess what. NOT A SINGLE Tyrus Paladium or Kiara Lightbringer (either gold, alpha or beta) was available for rent as a max level card.
Well not entirely true. There are a lot of cards. But all on cooldown. ._.
Great I thought, NOW what? So first I checked some monster cards, if they are available, what the prices are etc.
And then I decided to rent the BIGBOI himself.
I rented myself a max level peakrider. I always liked his "-1 ranged attack for opponents" since ranged units are the main counter for Lord Arianthus.
But I never really played life before. When I was still in silver I didnt really have cards for the splinter, and now In champion I didnt rent their cards before, but now I was kinda forced to.
Peakrider pros:
- Super good in "weak magic" ruleset, since +3 armor on all units is INSANE
- super good against enemy decks that rely on ranged units a lot
- good to keep some lower hp monsters alive for longer, with him even a chicken can survive 2-3 attacks (if not hit by magic haha)
Peakrider cons:
- really bad in "broken armor" ruleset. Its just wasted mana.
- less good in "broken arrows" ruleset since the -1 ranged does nothing
- he is useless if your opponent only uses magic attackers, so its good to pair him up with a magic reflecter
So now I got a summoner, I only need some monster cards to go with him.
I did not rent some I would have liked, becouse the price was too high, or becouse there wasnt any on the level I wanted. (silvershield paladin ._.)
Heres what I rented:
Aswell as the neutral cards I already had from before:
One of the best life cards (in my opinion) is the "Defender of Truth"
Paired up with the peakrider, thats a MASSIVE +5 armor for all units. If your opponants happens to not use magic units, or if its the "weak magic" ruleset, this is super strong and I love it!
So far I havent really had a good use of the Angel of Light legendary, but I like her a lot aswell.
My runner up card would be the Peacebringer.
While I dont think that he is as good as the "Twisted Jester" from the death splinter, his stats for 4 mana are really good! He packs a good bunch and can take a few sneak hits when hes the last unit in your formation.
I managed to do my quest way faster than expected and I even managed to hit champion 3 again! :)
So my next goal for this remaining season is to get to champion 1! A big goal, but now I got 4 max-ish rented splinters, so I got choices for different match-ups, so its possible, I think. I dont think its enough for top 50 yet, but lets see in the coming days!

Thats it for this little update-post :)

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