Cool that you beat masterthematrix he he. currently nr 27 at leaderboard.
For me it`s hard to play bronze, as I keep forgetting that the cards dont have the same abilities as on higher lv. So I usually only play gold and diamond
Yes I understand this Problem. I also have this Problem.
But really many championsleague-Player Play Bronze and Novice tournaments.
The Problem is not, that I think that they Play better than, but they have all summoner and so it's really not big Chance to proceed. In my opinion in novice and bronze should only be rare summoner allowed, because normally they use this 5-Mana-Summoner and especially that they increase Speed is very bad for me. F.E. by this rule melee can attack from every Position they use the Exploding Dwarf and clearly also Creeping Ooze - so what can I do against ?
Also if I also use Creeping Ooze his Exploding Dwarf is first because his summoner increase the Speed.
Or if summoner don't give any buff the use this 2-Mana-Summoner and have 1 Mana-Point more for the Monsters than I.
I think really that steemmonsters allow all this because they want press all Players to buy Booster packs or new summoner in market.
Did you know, that some tournaments are free to entry for Players in Gold or up and Players in novice, bronze and silver have to pay entrance fee ?
I just played a tournament at bronze level that had No Legendaries allowed, first time i have seen on automated tournaments so I had to try.
No legendaries couldbe used, so it was kind of strange for me, he, he.
I think that it is a recent update, never seen it before. ( I tried to make a tournament 2 weeks ago for fun, and no legendaries was no option,
I think that the tournaments that steemmonsters host is free to enter.
The one I just played, had a fee. I think it is because you have to pay a certain amount to create a tournament ( not sure how much)
I think that entry fees are the same for everyone entering the same tournament
So I think and hope, more tournaments will have this rule-set.
This Rule is quite new, when they started tournaments their was only choice between "All Cards, only Alpha and only Gold".
Not all tournaments from steemmonsters are free to enter and it was discussion in Discord because one guy asked why he now have to pay entrance fee when he before could enter for free and in the Discord they explained that some tournaments from steemmonster (I think all Diamond tournaments for example) are only free for Players from Gold League up, it means if somebody from Novice, Bronze or silver want to participate he have to pay and for all other tournaments are free.
I know with the fee: Steemmonsters take 2$ for every tournament and clearly if you offer Prices you have to pay this by Registration from tournament (2$ + pricepool)
Yes that is right, they wanted to keep low level players from entering and making a very long tournament. At the start all tournaments had fees, but they decided to go away from it
I found that there is a rule saying no legendaries
But almost no one seem to use it yet
I might try to make a tournament instead of holding giveaway. I do not know yet, but I am starting to think you are right in your assumptions..... hope not
@theaustrianguy was first who used it, because I saw him in Discord joking that Steemmonsters Website was broken because he put first tournament their.
No problem, How did you do in tournament today? Saw your name in one, I did not do well today, ha ha
Let's say yesterday first tournament was great (Bronze Blunderbuss) but other I lost in first round.
In this Bronze Blunderbuss I had first round free than:
2nd: 2:1 against @jacekw 3rd: 2:0 against @masterthematrix 4th: 2:1 againt @jose27117 5th: 1:2 against @pkocjan
So I finished at 6th place and was very satisfied with this tournament.
Cool that you beat masterthematrix he he. currently nr 27 at leaderboard.
For me it`s hard to play bronze, as I keep forgetting that the cards dont have the same abilities as on higher lv. So I usually only play gold and diamond
Yes I understand this Problem. I also have this Problem.
But really many championsleague-Player Play Bronze and Novice tournaments.
The Problem is not, that I think that they Play better than, but they have all summoner and so it's really not big Chance to proceed. In my opinion in novice and bronze should only be rare summoner allowed, because normally they use this 5-Mana-Summoner and especially that they increase Speed is very bad for me. F.E. by this rule melee can attack from every Position they use the Exploding Dwarf and clearly also Creeping Ooze - so what can I do against ?
Also if I also use Creeping Ooze his Exploding Dwarf is first because his summoner increase the Speed.
Or if summoner don't give any buff the use this 2-Mana-Summoner and have 1 Mana-Point more for the Monsters than I.
I think really that steemmonsters allow all this because they want press all Players to buy Booster packs or new summoner in market.
Did you know, that some tournaments are free to entry for Players in Gold or up and Players in novice, bronze and silver have to pay entrance fee ?
Hi, sorry for late reply.
I just played a tournament at bronze level that had No Legendaries allowed, first time i have seen on automated tournaments so I had to try.
No legendaries couldbe used, so it was kind of strange for me, he, he.
I think that it is a recent update, never seen it before. ( I tried to make a tournament 2 weeks ago for fun, and no legendaries was no option,
I think that the tournaments that steemmonsters host is free to enter.
The one I just played, had a fee. I think it is because you have to pay a certain amount to create a tournament ( not sure how much)
I think that entry fees are the same for everyone entering the same tournament
So I think and hope, more tournaments will have this rule-set.
This Rule is quite new, when they started tournaments their was only choice between "All Cards, only Alpha and only Gold".
Not all tournaments from steemmonsters are free to enter and it was discussion in Discord because one guy asked why he now have to pay entrance fee when he before could enter for free and in the Discord they explained that some tournaments from steemmonster (I think all Diamond tournaments for example) are only free for Players from Gold League up, it means if somebody from Novice, Bronze or silver want to participate he have to pay and for all other tournaments are free.
I know with the fee: Steemmonsters take 2$ for every tournament and clearly if you offer Prices you have to pay this by Registration from tournament (2$ + pricepool)
Yes that is right, they wanted to keep low level players from entering and making a very long tournament. At the start all tournaments had fees, but they decided to go away from it
I found that there is a rule saying no legendaries

But almost no one seem to use it yet
I might try to make a tournament instead of holding giveaway. I do not know yet, but I am starting to think you are right in your assumptions..... hope not
@theaustrianguy was first who used it, because I saw him in Discord joking that Steemmonsters Website was broken because he put first tournament their.