This Rule is quite new, when they started tournaments their was only choice between "All Cards, only Alpha and only Gold".
Not all tournaments from steemmonsters are free to enter and it was discussion in Discord because one guy asked why he now have to pay entrance fee when he before could enter for free and in the Discord they explained that some tournaments from steemmonster (I think all Diamond tournaments for example) are only free for Players from Gold League up, it means if somebody from Novice, Bronze or silver want to participate he have to pay and for all other tournaments are free.
I know with the fee: Steemmonsters take 2$ for every tournament and clearly if you offer Prices you have to pay this by Registration from tournament (2$ + pricepool)
Yes that is right, they wanted to keep low level players from entering and making a very long tournament. At the start all tournaments had fees, but they decided to go away from it
OK but if they do in this way, why not reverse ?
I mean if they want to Keep away low Level Players from entering Diamond-Tournaments why not Keep away Championsleague Players from entering novice league tournaments ?
This ist what I don't understand.
Good question.
This is where I and a few others had a discussion over the last 2 weeks ( davemccoy, simplymike and a few others I do not recall) , That we do not agree on how they run steemmmonsters ( yaba and aggroed)
That said, I will look into if I can get someone to joining me in sponsoring a few bronze and novice tournaments that has no legendaries in it
That is probably the best I can do at the moment