To level up your cards to the maximum level, very large quantities of cards are necessary. In this article you will get all the information about leveling.
Since I don't have so many cards to see all levels yet, @thomasgutierrez helped me. Thanks for that!
Okay, let's go...
For one common card you get 2 XP. To get a common card to the maximum level you need 379 cards in total.
- Start: Level 1 (0/2 XP) - the first card is worth 0 XP
- 2 Cards to complete Level 1 (2/2 XP) and hit Level 2 (0/4)
- 2 Cards to complete Level 2 (4/4 XP) and hit Level 3 (0/10)
- 5 Cards to complete Level 3 (10/10 XP) and hit Level 4 (0/20)
- 10 Cards to complete Level 4 (20/20 XP) and hit Level 5 (0/40)
- 20 Cards to complete Level 5 (40/40 XP) and hit Level 6 (0/80)
- 40 Cards to complete Level 6 (80/80 XP) and hit Level 7 (0/100)
- 50 Cards to complete Level 7 (100/100 XP) and hit Level 8 (0/200)
- 100 Cards to complete Level 8 (200/200 XP) and hit Level 9 (0/300)
- 150 Cards to complete Level 9 (300/300 XP) and hit Level 10 (MAX)
For one rare card you get 10 XP. To get a rare card to the maximum level you need 86 cards in total.
- Start: Level 1 (0/10 XP) - the first card is worth 0 XP
- 2 Cards to complete Level 1 (10/10 XP) and hit Level 2 (0/20)
- 2 Cards to complete Level 2 (20/20 XP) and hit Level 3 (0/40)
- 4 Cards to complete Level 3 (40/40 XP) and hit Level 4 (0/80)
- 8 Cards to complete Level 4 (80/80 XP) and hit Level 5 (0/100)
- 10 Cards to complete Level 5 (100/100 XP) and hit Level 6 (0/200)
- 20 Cards to complete Level 6 (200/200 XP) and hit Level 7 (0/400)
- 40 Cards to complete Level 7 (400/400) and hit Level 8 (MAX)
For one epic card you get 25 XP. To get a epic card to the maximum level you need 32 cards in total.
- Start: Level 1 (0/25 XP) - the first card is worth 0 XP
- 2 Cards to complete Level 1 (25/25 XP) and hit Level 2 (0/50)
- 2 Cards to complete Level 2 (50/50 XP) and hit Level 3 (0/100)
- 4 Cards to complete Level 3 (100/100 XP) and hit Level 4 (0/200)
- 8 Cards to complete Level 4 (200/200 XP) and hit Level 5 (0/400)
- 16 Cards to complete Level 5 (400/400 XP) and hit Level 6 (MAX)
For one legendary card you get 100 XP. To get a legendary card to the maximum level you need 8 cards in total.
- Start: Level 1 (0/100 XP) - the first card is worth 0 XP
- 2 Cards to complete Level 1 (100/100 XP) and hit Level 2 (0/200)
- 2 Cards to complete Level 2 (200/200) and hit Level 3 (0/400)
- 4 Cards to complete Level 3 (400/400) and hit Level 4 (MAX)
On this screenshot you can see four legendary cards at maximum level 4 and one legendary card at level 3:
Bonus: Tips for swapping cards
I give you some tips for swapping cards, which you should consider in order not to be disadvantaged.
Always swap Common for Common, Rare for Rare, Epic for Epic and Legendary for Legendary to avoid being disadvantaged. Disadvantaged also no other Steemians, play fair!
The summoners will probably play a central role. These are rare, but always exchange only summoners (rare) for summoners (rare) and not just any rare for a summoner (rare). Selenia Sky is also a summoner, but will be treated separately, you can see this in the next point.
There are nine Legendary cards, four of which are the four golden dragons. So always exchange only kites for kites, otherwise you will be disadvantaged. Selenia Sky once again stands out among the four dragons and is currently the most valuable card. Don't trade Selenia Sky for one of the other four kites, otherwise you will be disadvantaged. In principle, I recommend bunkering Selenia Sky.
Are you ready for the Battle?
Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Dead and Gold

Thanks for the tips I learned from what you wrote. I played my first game tonight and won though I didn't know what I was doing.
Irgendwie verstehe ich das nicht, also kann ich nur hochleveln, indem ich Karten kombiniere?
Erfahrung bekomme ich nicht durch Kämpfe?
Doch, das kommt mit den hochpreisigen Turnieren im Jan/Feb 2019. Mit etwas Glück etwas früher.
This is excellent. Thank you very much.
Thanks! That was a lot of work.
Thanks for the resteem!
You are very welcome. I need 11 more to complete the collection.
Du baust den Hype in mir mehr und mehr auf^^
Vom Logo her mag ich Life am meisten. Aber ich muss erstmal die aktuellen Karten besser kennenlernen um mich zu entscheiden, was ich am coolsten finde.
Den Schuh würde ich mir ja gerne anziehen, aber leider zieht der DACH Raum nur zaghaft mit. Zudem ist international so irre viel Aktion, sodass mein Licht hier nur ganz dezent leuchtet. Aber ich hab definitiv Spaß!
Da hast Du natürlich recht! Wenn ich nun auf Death setze (bringe ja gerade insbesondere die auf MAX) und dieses Element später lame ist, schaue ich in die Röhre. Aber falls alles aufgeht, was ich hier tüftel, rocke ich die Turniere und sahne alle SBD ab. Haha! :D
I prefer fire element
I like Fire best right after Death! Fire will surely be powerful.
Thank you for the information
You're welcome! :)
Great post and overview of the Fibonacci system of XP and levels for all the rarity.
You need some cards, let my know and give my your offer. You see all my cards in this Video.
Danke! :)
Da steckt auch eine ganze Menge Arbeit drin, zumal ich die Anzahl der Karten nicht aufweisen konnte. Aber ich hab tatkräftige Hilfe erhalten. Cooles Video.
Bitte und Danke, ich finde das Video im Vergleich zu den anderen, die ich gemacht habe ein wenig langweilig. Aber sehr schön zu lesen, dass es dir gefällt, es soll ja in erster Linie unterhalten.