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RE: Mene Harvest Plan And Steem Monsters 10 Pack Giveaway!

in #steemmonsters7 years ago

lol that's why I added the more people you tag, the more odds you get! Like tagging 10 people = 10 entries basically, well actually 11 if you sign up also.

So far I have 14 names, so odds aren't TOO bad. Although some of those people tagged about 5 people so they have their names in 6 times. But still.

I know you also may not want to tag people or resteem. I remember a long time ago, you said you don't like the requirement of resteeming (I think).

But yeah, I feel you.

I don't like low odds either. Unless it's for something I can control. Like "best writer" or "best design."

If I think a ton of people entered but my skill could get me ahead, then I'm more likely to do it.