Because you took a snapshot in time your figures are already out by quite a margin. When new cards are released on the market the price is inflated. You should do your calculations based on expected value not point in time market prices.
For instance, a unicorn is worth around $4 now whereas was probably around $7-8 when you did your calculations. (And expected to drop to around $3. And Lord A is under $2.
Just changes in these two cards alone affect your pricing chart.
I could go on but I think you get the point.
Maybe you should do your calculations again with real expected market values. And if you do the calculation again in a few days time it'll be lower still.
Point in time math doesn't work for an active market place.
I think need to only pick cards that are at least a week old. The early inflation is mostly offset by then.
very true
Yes, it takes at least a week to normalize.
Good thought process, but give it a season end and then you will get the real prices... if you get a whole season then you get the season dump at the end, then you will get the most accurate pricing.