in #steemmonsters6 years ago

Are you excited about Steem Monsters? Want to learn more about the community, cards, gameplay, tournaments, and rewards?! Well then you're going to love the start of STEEM MONSTERS DAILY TIPS!

The goal of Steem Monsters Daily Tips is to provide value to newer users and share my excitement about Steem Monsters! These videos will be powered by DTUBE and I will be posting Daily! (For as long as I can :)

To Get Started Click Below!

First, click HERE:

This link above will take you to Steem Monsters official website.

I will be doing a Steem Monsters Giveaway almost every week as well so make sure to Subscribe to our channel today!

Good luck and happy buying!


If you enjoy these videos would you please SMASH that Like, Upvote, and Subscribe button to show your support!

PLEASE UPVOTE, LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Thanks for watching :)

Follow me:

Website: Udemy: Steemit: YouTube: Instagram: @JoeParysAcademy

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▶️ DTube

Hey Joe, In the process of finishing your Steemit Mastery course on Udemy, and as requested I have followed you and here I am! Also looking forward for this game!

Hey supermalf! Welcome to Steemit! I will be following you! Also, I have NEW videos coming out very soon for our class! I will be sending Abe email out this week so stay tuned!! I hope you’re enjoying the class!

I'm sorry to hear that you fell for Joe's sales pitch. Please take his advice with a very large grain of salt. As you'll eventually discover, he is not the expert that he pretends to be. There are many ways to succeed on Steemit, and Joe's constant promotion of bid bot use is not necessarily the best way to succeed here.

If you need any free advice, feel free to hit me up. Most of us don't feel the need to charge people for information that is already freely available on the platform

Great I'm interested to see what this is all about. I will check out your tutorial.

More coming this week with a giveaway most likely on Friday!!

Hi @joeparys I noticed you dropped your affiliate link above and are directing your followers signing up under your referral link.

I can't see anywhere you have stated or explained about the referral and what you actually recieve from signing up users under your name.

I would be careful as this style of account creation is leaving users with 0sp. As found out by @davemccoy

My apologies Joe if your video states about the account creation and referral.

In a future episode I discuss the referral program!

Thanks I believe the Golden rule in building an organic following honestly. I think it was yesterday I witnessed a steemit user lay some valid controversial points across towards your master-class about using bots for upvotes and hitting the trending page.

It seems if your post doesn't trend then it's a fair chance your post has been lost and won't be picked up by other users...

I typically spend lest time in these trending areas as you soon discover quality from quantity with paid votes.

Just remember you can use all the bid bots you want but if you don't have that target audience you ain't got nothing.

I see you are entering steem monsters as your new niche and this is great and I'm hoping your followers are more organic than the bots that plague the interweb..

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your feedback! I am making a new video about this above 😎

Seems like we'll be seeing a new Steem Monsters Udemy course coming out soon :-D

Plenty of free content coming out. Don't think we will have a need for a udemy market

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for letting me know!