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RE: Long Story | The Grumpy Dwarf

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

What an awesome story! I love that you've taken this Steem Monsters game and what looks like a card from it to inspire a creative story around one of the characters. I think it's a fantastic idea! I studied writing in school and I was always told to full detail your character, even outside the world you were writing about. By giving them a full description you really define the character for yourself and that makes it easier to imagine how they would react or live in the world you're creating. It seems to have worked very well for you because you did such a nice job writing about Mr. Duno and his love for Lyanna.

I love that after all of his blinding anger he was able to see past it and commit to a bigger cause, protecting even those who had treated him so badly. You've built a good lesson in there.

Thanks so much for sharing! I didn't mind the length at all and I enjoyed reading your story. Cheers!