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RE: Upcoming Matchmaking Changes

in #steemmonsters5 years ago (edited)

even if they are in different leagues, but no more than one league tier apart. In this case both players will be subject to the level caps of the highest rated player. So that means that if a Gold I player is matched with a Diamond III player, both players will be able to use max level cards in the match.

I think most gold league players don't have diamond level decks, so it doesn't solve the problem. It can be helpful only at the beginning of the season.


Most Diamond III players also don't have diamond level decks, especially later in the seasons. That's why "diamond hell" exists. Just because someone makes it from Gold I to Diamond III doesn't mean their cards all the sudden got better. If they do have high level decks, then they will quickly move up and no longer be ranked with gold players, otherwise they'll remain with a more level playing field.

That's not true Matt. There are many players who rank up and then back down deliberately to "camp" in lower leagues to literally make life hell for other players. They do this to beat up on people with lower capped cards, and some of those accounts belong to many bot owners and Mavs. It's a blight on the game that this continues to take place and is allowed to continue as a feature of the game. The caps should be lowered to the correct level of the leagues when players move back down. I hope you realise how much of a horrible experience it is for lower league players and newbies who have to deal with this on a daily basis when trying to complete quests. It's called deliberate and manipulated hell, which means that ELO ratings are irrelevant in many cases.

Posted using Partiko Android

yep , you are right ..

Indeed. This might make life harder for Gold 3 players rather than easier for Diamond 1 players

Posted using Partiko Android