I've seen this offer myself before, and I've even thought about it. Gold Selenia at a good price does not happen often. I did not even think that it was an offer from a scammer :O
I'm sorry that it happened to you. I am a bit late for this party, but I will also send a bit DEC :D
If I could recommend someone, it will definitely be @byzantinist, who wins Novice and Bronze tournaments, and is unable to fight in the higher leagues due to lack of cards. Who knows, maybe he would soon kick us all butts :D
That is so sweet of you @jacekw! It means a lot because the only time I run into everyone is on the battlefield, so it goes to show that we may battle it out, but in the aftermath, it is the kindness of this community that shines through. Thank you for the DEC!
I had a chance to purchase the gold selenia on the market at a lower price than what I lost, but had decided not to buy back then. I think the sob story plus the fair price, well, just a mistake on my end. Appreciate the kind thoughts.
Two recommendations for @byzantinist so far! He is definitely helpful to others in the chatroom and was very nice with DM'ing me to share his thoughts and support. If he doesn't win, I will be sure to give him a week delegation afterwards. ;)
@byzantinist is the lucky winner, picked by honorary judge @begonethot! :)
He will likely kick our butts in the game soon enough!