Crustacean King

Hello everyone, steemmonsters fan!!! i am back with the new post announcement of the last week giveaway. the result, and also tonight i am willing to giving you the common [water] cards. Only 4x cards for 4 names. Be sure to Follow the Rules :)
- Upvote and resteem this post
- Comment on this post with your "SUGGESTION" about steemmonsters
- The Winners will be chosen in the next week using Random name picker
Follow the last giveaway here :
- Day #31 :
- Day #32 :
- Day #33 :
- Day #34 :

let the backroom win....
Should be able to put up a card as a bet against the other player.
And players can decide who they want to play against.
You would need to know their stats in general though.
fingers crossed!
I would suggest making tournaments level capped so low level players can stand a chance!
Might be better to have a few different classes with different caps, and one with no cap.
I suggest they start advertising on gaming sites to increase the exposure and bring in more people.
wooooo HOOOOOOO.....
But I got no summoners yet....
PayOutBot is going to give me a couple after he figures which ones he's not going to play...
Whoops here's my suggestion...
Different skins for the background with and upload of your own
And music from choices and upload
and finally set up an avatar.
As to game play how about tag team with friends
for my suggestion
I'd like to see a list of exactly what happened in the battle int a textlog, same like they do on poker sites...
That was after a bunch of battles you can go back and see exactly what was done and how you lost or won.
it could be a simple log file this
A starts out with 22 mana Summoner: X, MonsterX1 (lvl and abilities) ....MonsterXn 2 ....
B starts out with 24 mana Summoner: Y, MonsterY1 (lvl and abilities) ... MonsterYn 2 ....
round 1
MonsterX attacks MonsterY with Monsterxability with lvl, MonsterY Deflects z and shield reduces u
MonsterY was eliminated from the field
The fact that there is replay means the log is already stored it just needs to be readable and downloadable instead of playing it.
They need to add 2 mana cards to the splinters that dont have a 2 mana card.
Posted using Partiko Android
No suggestion.
My suggestion is to make sometimes cross league battles with mixed teams! Something like crossteam championship
Posted using Partiko Android
advertisement may bring more people to this platform ..
I think they should possibly get some more serious looking art.
The game need a chat
I suggest if they can't find the new player they must say so. Sometimes I loose or win seven times to the same player. It's not fare.
@azalealife fingers crossed.
i suggest that we increase the prize pool even more :D