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RE: Good-bye Steemmonsters, I've Had Enough With This Last Tourney Twist (HAPPILY UPDATED!)

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

Hey @glory7, I want to first thank you for taking the time to stop by. I know you are an amazing player, and even more important, I have alot of respect for you as a person. I notice how you handle yourself and treat people, and you are a "A+" person in that regard!

As to the entry fee, I understand your point of view and just have a different take on it. I'll explain so that you better understand "why" I am so upset.

I have tons of gold cards myself (like you), and I've invested thousands in them. I was told all along that the buying of all those cards collectively will go into a "pool" to be distributed to the card holders via tournaments. First it was 70%, then 30%. But that money was to go back to the people that had funded the pool.

The reason I am so upset is that I did my part and invested $10,000+ in the game. I have lots and lots of cards and I might want to have fun and play in a tourney every so often. After all, I bought the cards and spent tons of money, I was told that I would be able to earn that prize pool that I indirectly contribute towards.

Now I am being told with this new policy that for the larger tournaments, only the "serious" players can earn it. NOT ONE TIME WAS THAT EVER MENTIONED AS A PREREQUISITE. I don't even know what they are talking about when they say "serious", isn't spending $10,000 setting up a guild and having at least 40 people play the game every day for months "serious"?

Anyways, the way he is describing serious is whoever spends his predetermined amount. In this case its 5 steem. Well, that is a) insulting and b) ridiculous. Why should I pay to enter a tourney when I was promised that my cards I own would give me access to the prize pool? Its not right.

On top of that, you mention that you don't want some random guy to come in a random win, but isn't that the point of competition? I mean if you win it should because you have the skill and the luck at that time. You should know that your odds are great of beating me in a match, but maybe just may I could win if I'm lucky. That is what would make me even come play.

Now having said that, since there is now a charge of 5 steem, you will see the number of people limited to a amount of people that think they can place. Since I know I have the cards but not the talent, then I probably will never go play because it would be giving away 5 steem. I know its not a lot of money, but imagine doing it 10 times a week or more? It would add up. So the bottom line is you won't get me to play. That is good for you NOW, but what happens when people like me give up and go home. After all, why the hell would we want to own cards if we never play them? And just like you and your investments, you want to make a proper return. So by giving us NO hope of playing and eventually getting lucky OR spending more money that we know we will probably lose , then you are essentially going to set back the investor base quite a bit. I'm not the only one and you of all should know it. You know how many people you regularly play against, and you should imagine how many own cards that you don't see. Those cards will be coming back into the market at some point if they aren't played and people lose interest because they can't compete.

So this is a long winded way of explaining myself to you. I am taking the time to do so because you are the #1 player here. I don't expect you to do anything, I just want you to know how I think. This move will really hurt the Steemmonster game in 2 particular areas that shouldn't be ignored by anyone.

  1. they are going to lose players out of disgust for being charged to play
  2. they are going to lose a lot of credibility by breaking a commitment to the people that have been here since day 1. They told us it was a "pool" that we could earn with our cards, not a pool that we could earn with our cards AND with a entry fee attached. To make someone pay again for something they've already been promised will leave a lot of people with a real lack of trust.

I thank you for your comment about me being made a Maverick and I think you're an awesome guy. I again want to thank you for taking the time to respond and give your thoughts and I honestly wish you nothing but the best in the future. If I had to pick someone to be the best from the people on Steemit, you are one of the ones that I would choose. Keep up being a great player and person and you will go far in your life! :)


It's 11am here and while I am at work right now, when I saw your reply I felt obliged to write a quick reply(at least) to appreciate your time and kindness to answer me in detailed, coherent way.

Now I can clearly see where your arguments are coming from, and I agree (at least partially) with you in some aspects. Without going into too much details, my understanding is that your concern is two parts:

  1. People who paid for cards should be able to join the tourneys that are funded by themselves,

  2. Having entry fee is not good for expanding the player base.

I should think more about this and make a suggestion (or state different opinion) later.

P.S. btw, you totally got me when we played last time (some gold foil tourney). I believe that you are already one of the top players, and are likely to win(as long as you have properly leveled-up cards for the designated level of the match).

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you and of course don't take time from work to reply to me, that's respectful but not necessary! :)

And yes,

  1. the people who own the cards have paid for the money that is in those pools. It was something promised from Day 1. Those pools were supposed to be for ALL the card holders as long as they owned the cards. By charging a fee, it is now requiring people to pay to have a chance at the money they've already been promised to have, and that's not right. (AGAIN, there are better ways to limit mismatches by making people stay in their leagues and compete that way... ie Diamonds vs Diamonds... Bronze vs Bronze)

  2. Yes, if you read my blog here you can see the reaction. People don't like being treated unfairly. If they want to expand the player base, they also need to make sure they create an environment where the people that do try it feel they have a fair chance. Right now, under this way it will end up being a small set of people that get all the pool money (maybe 50 total players getting the major share of it). While that is good for you in the short run, it is not good in the long run. The reason is that you will have to recycle through all the others cards as they leave the game. If you want this to go viral and have lots of people stick around, I think it is also crucial that people that aren't the "best" players at least feel they have a fair chance.

By the way, I wouldn't have said anything if they didn't put the fees on it... The fees are what make it unfair when its coming from the money that was from the pool that all card holders paid for. I'm not suggesting that people have "handouts", I'm suggesting that if they want to limit the tourneys do it by another means. Limit it to a player's ELO rating and not by if they pay a fee or not. That would solve both problems rather easily. PS... Plus it would have the benefit of people wanting to play the quests again so that they can get in the better leagues. (thus making them better players)

... and pps... thank you for the kind words and I did get lucky against you on one match :P ... But I am old enough to know that you are better than me, but I would have fun playing you nonetheless! ;)

Having ELO system would be great, for matchmaking and tourney table setup.

It seems that they are working on 'dark energy crystal', in-game currency that can be earned by playing games(and more), and let players pay the entry fee with that crystal. May I ask what your thoughts are on this movement?

I don't know enough about it to give you any details, but I do understand the general concept. I think it will enable a currency to be created that enables people to "do things" (like entering tournaments). I think they plan on having players earn it in various ways, so a lot of what I think about it would depend on the details. Conceptually it is awesome, but if they do anything like this decision I'm upset about, then of course it could work against their goals.

I would say its great that they are advancing the infrastructure around the game, I think @yabapmatt does a tremendous job on all of that. I even think Aggy has talent on some aspects of marketing. The thing they are missing is they have lost a lot of trust from people by breaking promises, and the only way to regain that trust is to stop repeating the same mistakes.

I was also excited about their upcoming extension of weapons and spells.. It will be a different aspect that would add a lot of value to the game. That is supposed to come in the 4th quarter.

So overall, I love many things they are doing.

곰돌이가 @glory7님의 소중한 댓글에 $0.006을 보팅해서 $0.017을 살려드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 3337번 $39.854을 보팅해서 $41.580을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~