Nice to see what you look like in real life @glory7! It is always nice to know the great players and great people in any endeavors. You are by far one of the best we have here! :)
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Nice to see what you look like in real life @glory7! It is always nice to know the great players and great people in any endeavors. You are by far one of the best we have here! :)
Thank you very much!
곰돌이가 @glory7님의 소중한 댓글에 $0.006을 보팅해서 $0.017을 살려드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 6164번 $67.587을 보팅해서 $78.868을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~